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Get hired and crush quota
Gain real-world selling experience with engaging video lessons and assignments. Learn how to land a job in tech sales on your own time from anywhere in the world.
Find out how to go from industry outsider to your first sales job
Close deals
Own the art of the deal and put numbers on the boards
Learn how to turn a "no" from prospects into a closed deal
Learn how to nail your quarter and cash big checks
Learn how to research prospects and generate interest
$90k is a good start. We’ll teach you how to climb to $250k
Not your average lesson plan
Our curriculum is meticulously designed to cover all aspects of entry-level tech sales to prepare you to interview confidently, land a tech sales job and quickly cash checks. Want a sneak peek at your curriculum? You’re in luck!
Tech industry overview
Your flyover tour of the tech sales industry. Learn the ins and outs of the job, the team, and yes, the pay
Converting leads
Your first introduction to the practice of selling. Learn how to convert inbound leads who may be comparing you to other competitors
Finding prospects
Learn how to research leads, generate interest, and show prospective buyers they need whatever you’re dishing out
Standing out in the job search
Learn the potential career trajectories in Tech Sales and how to interview confidently at any SaaS company
Getting the job / interviewing
Consider this the fun part. Top performers from Tech Sales U will be offered interviews with fast-growing SaaS companies Bravado has personally vetted as awesome to sell for. Put your skills to use to land a new role!
Get hired and crush quota
Gain real-world selling experience with engaging video lessons and assignments. Learn how to land a job in tech sales on your own time from anywhere in the world.
Tech Sales U is the stepping stone to that future. Sign up to start learning and put yourself on the path to career success.