AEs - Describe your ideal AE-SE relationship - What made the best the best or the worst the worst?

Pretty self-explanatory, but curious what ways AEs out there are interacting with their SEs (Solutions or Sales Engineers) or other technical counterparts.

Do you find it better to split all the work along technical vs business or do you prefer when you can both run the business and understand the product/tech?

Trying to build a successful team with my new AEs, some of whom haven't worked with SEs, some who have had success with SEs and others who have thought of SEs as demo-monkeys (least successful.. duh, there's no real team/relationship).

From an SE perspective, my teams have historically performed better when we work together and share responsibilities instead of hard-splitting. When both myself and my AE have an understanding of our product, the customer's use case and business process, we've crushed it.. but I've also had AEs that didn't know how to work with an SE and would just throw demos and POCs around like candy to get themselves out of any actual discussion.

Now, on the flip-side... When I was an AE, I leveraged my SE to get through complexities, but typically was able to get by without hounding him/her too much.

Any examples of a successful AE/SE pairings you have would be appreciated.. as well as the worst ones - want to avoid bad habits :).

🧠 Advice
🥇 Teamwork
📳 SaaS
WR Officer
So I haven't been technically paired, I simply took matters into my own hands.

I fill out a detailed high level account overview. Contacts, mission statement, vision, goals, rev, IT contact info, etc and schedule a 1:1 with an SE that helped me once when I was new. We come up with a game plan together and he helps me understand the technical questions he needs answered. We have been highly successful with this, off the record of course.
Solutions Engineer
That’s helpful. Gotta find a way to introduce this idea to my new AEs like inception… idk why collaboration seems so difficult for some I’ve been both paired and pooled/shared as an SE. while there’s been success in both types of engagement, pairing helped for longevity of success because we both knew how the other worked and could compliment strengths and weaknesses.
WR Officer
On one hand I feel guilty of not sharing this with my team. On the other hand I'm selfish and don't want his time to be wasted on nonsense from others trying to check a box because management added a new KPI.
My take: the most successful pairings I have is where we both understand the roles/responsibilities. Even at the same company a different TS/SE/SC has different expectations. If I was building out pairings, I would ask each person to describe their role and what they want out of their arranged work marriage. 

For me, the tech guy is the technical question fielder. I am the sales person. I dont want my SE asking what their budget/authority/time-frame is; I need them to determine if their need/pain is something my company can help with. 

Also, it helps if they match travel personalities  -- i.e. running through the airport v. happy to fly out the day before

Have you even been a team lead or a player/coach for an AE team? What was the experience like?

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