Agency recruitment into SaaS sales


I’m an agency recruiter and I’m looking to move into SaaS sales and there’s a challenge that I have been facing - salary.

Well I have always wanted to do software sales but it was hard to break into the industry first with no prior experience. That’s why I decided to do agency recruitment in Tech first to gain some sale experience to prepare myself for a SaaS sales role.

So I’ve got a couple of years of experience selling people now and want to make the move into an SDR role in Tech.

What has happened a lot is that people use the fact that I’m transitioning from recruitment into SaaS sales to lower my price down. If anything, I think recruitment is somewhat more challenging as I have been doing 3-way selling:

  • Selling my brand and my reputation into the client. There are hundreds of recruiters out there who recruit the same thing so I have to do a lot of stand out and get people to use my service
  • Selling the opportunity into my candidates
  • Selling the candidates into the clients and every candidate is different, every negotiation is different

With that said, I think it’s unfair when people say I need to take a pay cut to go from recruitment into software sales.

Keen to hear everyone’s opinion on my situation. What should I do next time companies use my situation (recruitment-> sales) to lower my salary ask?

☁️ Software Tech
💰 Compensation
👥 Hiring
WR Officer
Their reasoning doesn't make sense to me. 
Ask those companies next time they offered you a lower salary to lower your quota and ramp-up time shouldn't be the same as everyone else but negotiate the salary adjustment if you start overachieving your quota and < ramp-up time.
WR Officer
Bitcoin Adoption Specialist
This ^ tell them if they want to cut pay they should expect less performance 
Big Shot
Regional Sales Director
^this : is Perfect and apt response to be given 💯
Sales Boiii
If salary is all they're paying you then ask then the advice here is pretty sound. 

But if the lower salary paves the way for a better commission structure where your $$$ limit is based on how hard your willing to work then I can see why they'd use a lower salary. 


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