Am I burnt out or just not a true sales savage?

I feel like I am getting burnt out for the first time in my life.

But I also feel like my lifestyle decisions are making me feel this way.

What does you lifestyle look like in SaaS sales?

Mon-Fri I eat healthy meals and work out ~4 days per week but never on weekends.

Meetings don't start until 9 (earliest) and my alarm goes off at 8. I go to bed around 12-1am.

I go into the office almost every day.

I drink heavily every Friday and Saturday. At best, I might only have a small amount of drinks on one of those days. I normally don't drink on Sunday because I can't take it. I'll eat absolute garbage on weekends too. Sundays are normally spent doing nothing + DoorDash and I will struggle to sleep. Then I will basically sleep until as late as I can and then roll out of bed into my first meeting.

My problem right now is that for the first time, I am not motivated to work.

I can't keep up with this lifestyle and I don't want to but I am addicted to the shin dig. I don't say no to anything. I think what is happening is that I am getting so drained on the weekends that I don't have any energy to put into the week days. Mon/Tue are brutal but I do feel better by Wednesday. But by that time, it's already almost Friday and I also go have drinks on Thursdays sometimes.

Does anyone else live this lifestyle? I feel like the "wake up on 8am on a saturday and go hiking, then hit barrys bootcamp with a green smoothie" lifestyle is far from anyone that I know in sales.

I feel like at this point in my life, partying every weekend should be behind me since I have a decent role and am looking at getting a much better one soon.

For context; I always hit quota and have great relationships with literally everyone in my company. I am highly regarded and people look up to me. Even right now my month/quarter is looking great. I've also never been a morning person and can only be one when I need to. and i have not taken a vacation since about 2013

I need advice.


Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for commenting. It's insane that I don't think I saw one sarcastic comment or joke. Every commenter really helped me feel a lot better about this and strength to make a change. Seeing a bunch of degenerate sales people come together to help out another is so up lifting. Thank you all

🙏 Mental Wellness
☁️ Software Tech
🧠 Advice
WR Officer
Master of Disaster
As much as we joke, that blackout drunk lifestyle catches up with you and cannot be sustained. Sounds like coping to me. 

What need do you feel isn’t being addressed that you feel like you have to substitute with other unhealthy sources of pleasure? 

And don’t feel bad - we’ve ALL been there!
Account Executive
I'm not sure exactly but maybe being single. But my last gf, we drank a lot together. I do go out and actually do stuff but I incorporate drinking with everything. I am ready to be tied down though, pretty done with chasing women. 
WR Officer
Master of Disaster
But my point is that it’s not the women - that’s another “fix”

Dig deeper
Head of Some Shit
@Incognito is right with this. I've been there. I've been there worse. As a VP of West Coast Sales. In a terribly unhealthy relationship. Mid day drinking Monday-Thursday. Binge on Friday/Saturday + extracurriculars depending on how long I wanted to stay out... It's a terrible place. But like Incognito said. We've been there. We're here to help @FidelCashFlows 
I think the very last part of it kinda tells it up, you ARE burnt out from working, not from what you do, but from work altogether so take a much-deserved break, my friend.
🔪Amateur Butcher🔪
I feel this a lot... I was here maybe 6 months ago, just at the end of my rope...Pretty much EXACT same schedule as you Sunday to Sunday. 

I started focusing more of my "free" time on things that actually fed my soul, not just distractions on the weekends. Skydiving, Dinners with Friends, Planning Trips, I rejoined BigBrotherBigSisters of America and yes, some drinking as well lol. 

I needed to make my time feel like my own again and feel like there was purpose to my life outside of work. I think many times when we are unhappy its because we pour ourselves into our job so much that we almost make "Work" our purpose, but its NOT. There's so much more. Find out what sets you on fire personally, what feeds your soul, brings you peace and increases your energy. 

I'm sure much of that sounded like babbling from a drunken medicine man, but for me, it has worked out well. 

Bateman, out. 
Good Citizen
Account Manager
that's good shit right there @RealPatrickBateman couldn't agree more.  You have to LIVE it to UNDERSTAND it.  I've had miserable vacations with the family because some asshole customer was pissed that his widget was 1 day late.  At some point I decided "fuck it".  I don't care if the customer is pissed he can freakin wait.  Someone at the office can figure this shit out and it's not going to be me.  It's just not worth it.  My BEST customers understood this and would say "hey your on vacation, don't worry about it.  It can wait or I will work with your backup to get this sorted out."  It's the asshole accounts that didn't get it and I didn't care if they took their business somewhere else.  My boss might have cared but he didn't have to manage the account so he can go fuck himself too.  If you're not part of the solution you are part of the problem.  😂 You own personal and mental health is something you NEED to be selfish about.  It's GOT to be a priority to YOU!
No marketing, mayo isn't an MQL
Sounds like a break is in order. Take some time off and fully detach from work. No sneaky screens peeks it phone emails. 
Celebrated Contributor
War Room Enthusiast
We are get burned out from time to time, we just have to stand back up!
VP, Business Development
Take two weeks, go somewhere really nice, and cut yourself some slack. Drinking 2-3 days a week for a sales person isn't problematic in and of itself, I believe. 

I was in a similar position a while back. Hadn't taken a real vaca i.e. not looking at my phone, for 10 years. My now wife convinced me to take two weeks. We went to an insanely beautiful country in the middle of an ocean. I slept for 2 days straight and I'm not a big sleeper. My body needed it. 

Got back, and ramped up my sales in a big way. If you're hitting quota, you're a savage. 
Exec Director, Major Accounts
That’s some good sleep. 
VP, Business Development
Never had that before. Got to our first villa and literally crashed for two days straight. Was wild.
Account Executive
Really appreciate everyone's positivity on this post. It does baffle me though that the no vacay part has kind of trumped everything. Yes, I need a break but I have a problem with wanting to go out all the time that needs to be addressed. 
VP, Business Development
Take a vaca and reflect about why you want to go out all the time then. 
Sr. AE
Bro you are having a good life but you need to take a short break and get disconnected from work. It's much much needed.

Life is much beyond only money!
Exec Director, Major Accounts
I ran hard for several years. Drinking during the week with customers, came home and partied with my friends too. Was taking heartburn meds, trouble sleeping, etc. 

Take a vacation. Clear your head. 
No vacay since 2013? Brother, email your boss right now, you’re taking off a week. All 5 weekdays. Seriously go ahead, email your boss, Ill wait… seriously do it. Ok.. now where do you wanna go? Disconnect! Enjoy yourself. Go have some drinks on the beach. Sleep in. Workout. You have to take care of you first!
Account Executive
The thing about this is that for the last about 4+ years, I have worked for companies that have unlimited vacay and embrace it. Even now, my boss encourages it all the time and gives us random days to just stop working. I could tell my boss right now that im taking all next week off and it would not be a problem but I find it so hard to do for some reason. I have had vacay guilt since I was a kid at my first few jobs. 
Commercial Account Executive
You have to let that go. Part of the reason companies provide "unlimited" vacation policies is that they know most people won't even take a solid amount of time off which it seems like you fall into that category.

If you feel like you have a problem with "wanting" to go out all the time, it could very much be that your body and subconscious are telling you to STOP. Please don't take my word for it though, that's just my freshman year C- Psych 101 degree talking...
We might be the same person 
Account Executive
Glad I am not the only one :) 
SaaS Eater
Im a little late to this party here but one major thing sticks out to me. I dont take this lightly as its a disease that I have seen affect my family.  It sounds like you are basically a functional alcoholic. You can get by day to day but you need to drink. 

Beyond taking a vacation, you need to get help. You dont have to do this on your own but find someone to help you break the habit. Lean into your hobbies that dont involve drinking, find a support system so you can say "no". Its not going to be easy but in the long run you will thank yourself. 

I take this stuff seriously and am only trying to help by pointing this out because I have seen it hit very close to home. 
Sales Development Lead
First of all, your second para is normal. Very normal. 

About 3 weeks ago I moved in with my girlfriend and it changed everything. 

Prior to that, I lived with a mate from uni, one of my best mates. However, he was stuck in the 'uni phase' it was party party party. 

Don't get me wrong, once in a while, i liked it but really...i felt how you said in your second para. 

The way out, I found (apart from moving out) was to focus. Focus on something you are REALLY interested in (not sales). I found making models be that lego or Airfix helped. I also found watching youtube vids on topics I was interested in helped. 

When it comes to drinking everyday...I have been there and still sometimes do as it helps that annoyance in your head (which isn't good), I'd again, tell yourself 'WTF am i doing' every time you feel like you want to drink etc think 'WTF am i doing' and force yourself to not. 

Vacation wise, take one man. Doesnt need to be abroad just do.

Last thing - do keep telling yourself 'What the fuck am i thinking'.

It works. Hope it goes well amigo. 
Account Executive
I guess I didn't add all the details. I have a ton of hobbies. Like between everything that I mentioned, I am genuinely into a ton of shit. I am getting serious with a girl and if it ends up happening I know that will change my lifestyle because her partying is at least like 2-3 notches down from mine. BUT, I don't want to need that. I want to be able to be normal on my own. I want to be able to go out to dinner on a Tuesday and have 2 drinks like a normal person because I didn't have 10 shots on the Saturday before. 
Business Dev.
In case you missed it, take a break. 5 days. Disable all work app notifications on the phone, and tell your co workers you'll fine them if they call you. then go on a trip or build/fix something around the house, or learn a new hobby.
Regional Sales Manager
Take a vacation first and foremost...if you are going to the gym 4 days a week why not space one of the days out and do a Saturday morning workout.  Gives you a chance during the week to relax and that Saturday morning can also relieve the stress of the week and set the tone for your weekend.  
Good Citizen
VP of Sales
When I take time off, I actually leave my notifications on. I take joy in seeing them, and then not responding. I take joy in seeing the problem email, and look forward to seeing how somebody else handled it when I get back. I literally embrace being off and am aggressive about it internally.
Account Executive
I think you need to start with a vacation. I’ve been in this mindset before and you need to recharge those batteries. And it sucks but it’s crazy how he a difference your diet makes just little improvements make a big difference! But rest and recover sound like you deserve it.
VP of Sales
Bro, break the habit. Read the power of habit, and break the habit, simultaneously. . Keystone habits are SO real. Speaking from shameful experience. . Break the habit, and literally everything else falls into place. Stop doing the one thing you enjoy doing, with the knowledge that it’ll suck, but make everything you DON’T enjoy doing, enjoyable again. It’s worth it.
Take a little break, relax and then begin again with all your motivation 
Sales Executive
Knock it off and grow up.  That's the advice I'd give to someone that came to me personally with this story.  I'm not sure how old you are but the college lifestyle of eating shitty food and drinking until you pass out has never been a recipe for success.  Fun?  Sure.  So is Vegas for a long weekend.  But no one goes to Vegas every weekend. 

My advice is to look at people in any profession that have reached and sustained a high level of success.  Are they making the same decisions?  Likely not.  

I'm no expert and people will probably tell me to shut the fuck up but you asked.  Good luck brother.
Good Citizen
Account Manager
Sounds like there are a lot of things are are contributing to your general unhappiness.  Be really careful about selling your soul to the company.  If you were to get hit by a bus tomorrow the company wouldn't give 2 shits about you.  So, TAKE  your vacation! Find something positive that DOES excite you.  Sounds like maybe you are still searching for your true purpose...and that's okay.  I thought at 27 I was making decent money and had my shit figured out.  The reality is that I was still basically a dumb kid trying to figure out how to become an adult.  We've all been out to bars and clubs and seen that drunk old dude in the there and wondered WTF went wrong in that's dude's life that he hangs out in a shithole bar conversing with haggard old barflies everyday. Well, I don't know what bad shit happened to that dude but I knew I didn't want that to ever be me.  For me, I got married and that made me grow up a lot.  And then my kids were born and that really changed the way that I thought about life.  This is not going to be a popular answer for many to read but if you are truly lost or looking for some purpose find a church and just go.  If you went to church as a kid, maybe go find your old church again.  At a minimum talk to someone  you trust about this shit.  Sales a grind! We all get burnt out and go through ups and downs.  The buzz from a sale wears off faster and faster  every time. Your constantly only as good as your last month.  It's a constant refrain of "I know you killed it last month but what have you done for me lately?"  That's all I got.  Sorry for the Dr. Phil dissertation but it seemed appropriate.  Best of luck to you!
Chief Revenue Officer
I haven't been a regular drinker in about 13 years, but I remember this feeling in my mid-late 20's.  I reached a point where it became not worth it, and stopped.  That being said, my vice is food, and I hate working out. So its not like I've got it all figured out.   Find your balance, and be patient with yourself, the fact that you are writing this post should tell you something about what changes you want to make. 
Valued Contributor
Regional Sales Manager level 87
It sounds like the depressive effects of alcohol I really building up on you over the weekend and then it wears off by Tuesday or maybe Wednesday. The only way I’ve been able to successfully scale back my drinking was to completely stop for 3 to 4 weeks. There probably isn’t much you do halfway so “full stop” is actually easier vs. slowing down. When you start drinking again you’ll find it easier to moderate for awhile.
Fuck, I wish there was DMs for this exact reason. There is a lot to unpack here.

I drink very little, as my family and some of my friends have had struggles with alcohol in the past. Would love to share my experience. Alcohol is a depressant, so those feelings Monday and Tuesday are tied to the consumption levels on the weekends.

You need a vacation. Yes, on vacations we all like to drink. But, you need a mental vacation. Disconnect from everything and try and reflect on your life - what's causing stress, your career goals, your personal goals, etc. If you can candidly/objectively look at yourself that can help set motivational goals.

Look for an outlet, hobby, or activity you enjoy to start substituting on the weekend. Find a club or group that aligns with your interest. Start small, and work you way into it. I'm not the "green smoothie" guy, but I usually am up earlier on the weekends than in the week to go ski, hike, camp, etc.

We all get into a rut every now and again, it's how we use it to grow that is what makes us stronger. Keep your head up, and know you got a bunch of savages behind you.
Account Executive
Soon hopefully. 
I agree. I will hopefully plan something soon. 

It is weird because I don't think I drink to cope or heal. I drink because I love it! I love partying, meeting new people, dancing, talking, etc. 
I'd like to think that I am not really stressed out, for what has happened in my life and the circumstances, life is pretty fucking awesome. 

My hobby recently was golf but that included heavy drinking, even thought I play seriously, but it always would transition into going out. I need to find something that can't incorporate drinking. Even on the weekdays too, not just weekends. 

Thanks for your input chunky.
It might not be a fit at first, but you can do all of those things without drinking.

I was totally sober for ~2 years due to some health issues. It took a bit, but I was able to go out with friends to bars, parties, concerts, etc. without drinking. Yea, it was a little weird at first. The environment is what build the habit. But, after a bit, it was totally cool. 

Plus, I knew my friends always had a ride home. 
Enterprise Account Executive
Dude you need to take some time off. No vacation since 2013 what the hell is going on?!
Enterprise Account Executive
I did the weekend savage thing for a while but had to stop. I’ve found myself much less anxious and stressed since I stopped going so hard on the weekends. Sales is mentally exhausting, you need downtime to recover from work. Also having a gf / bf def helps - I’ve always dated people that don’t enable me but want to chill and relax on the weekends, helps me keep from burning out. You sound burnt out, try not going so hard on the weekends for a while and see how you feel. Take a vacation also, sometimes you just need a change of pace and scenery.

What would you be doing if you weren’t a sales savage?


What politician do you think would make the best sales savage?


Sales Savage Couples?
