Anybody Watch The B word Yesterday?

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I've included the link above if you missed it, but want to watch.

Curious what other savages thought of this conversation between Jack, Elon, & Cathie. By now I think most people can tell from my posts I'm a huge crypto bull and I thought this conversation was riveting.

The one thing that really stood out to me was Jack emphasizing the idea of having a global internet currency. Not guaranteed Bitcoin will be that, but at the moment it seems the most likely to become that. Also, the fact that Bitcoin is the first monetary system that humans can not go back and change. Still so much to learn, but I'm glad these brilliant people got together and discussed the good, bad, and innovative parts of Bitcoin. I still have so much to learn, but feel like I genuinely got a much better understanding of Bitcoin's principles, use-cases, and struggles after watching this.

Would love to hear other people's takeaway after watching The B word ๐Ÿ’Ž

โ˜๏ธ Software Tech
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Sales Account Manager
Dudeee I agree 100%. Loved the conversation! I wasn't a big fan of Elon before but now I'm seeing that he actually knows what he's talking about. He should also consider the cost of opportunity when it comes to the environmental effect of not using Bitcoin I think,. Yes, it needs to be more green, but even if it's not, every person converted into crypto and moving away from fiat is doing more for Earth at the end of the day because of the huge effects traditional banking has on the planet. And Jack is just a beam of light and clarity. He's like my spiritual guide haha we need more things like this to continue to increase retail and institutional adoption.ย 
WR Officer
Bitcoin Adoption Specialist
Seriously. Lot of respect gained for Elon after watching it and couldn't agree more about Jack. I don't understand how he is so grounded despite being as successful as he is. Great to see!

QUESTION:: best movie you ever saw, and HOW OLD WERE YOU when you saw it? I have a theory about this relating to salespeople

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