Applying for an SDR Manager Position... any advice?

Hey Savages, just like the title suggests, I'm applying for an SDR manager role.

I've been an SDR & SDR Team Lead for almost 3 years now and finally have an interview for a manager position.

I've been given some good advice from friends that are managers about how to best prepare for the interview.

I wanted to reach out to the WR savages to hopefully get advice from current managers, and people that hire SDR managers to learn what you're looking for when you interview managers.

☁️ Software Tech
🚀 Career Goals
🧠 Advice
SDR Manager and Consultant
In my experience, it was all about getting our director to understand how I could share my successful tactics AND get them to implement those tactics. Sharing tactics and successful strategies is one thing, but actually explaining how you'd motivate your team to use them is key
Account Executive
Could you elaborate on some of the things that you do/did to motivate your team? 
SDR Manager and Consultant
My focus was on the gamification of the SDR team. Creating short contests. On a weekly and monthly basis. It’s wild how well that works. Don’t make them too long because if people fall behind they start giving up a little
SaaS Eater
Beyond all of the tactical stuff, speaking to process, motivating your team, conveying a vision I think its super important to be yourself, be authentic. Don't try and portray someone you are not, or who you think the hiring manager wants you to be. It comes off corny and uninspiring.  
WR Lieutenant
I like the manifestation by changing your title/tag in the War Room to SDR Manager. Nice.

You need to be both adept and fluent in the functions of the SDR role, otherwise, you won't know how to teach your reports how to be better, which it sounds like you are on top of after 3 years.

Second, you have to understand why you want to be/why you are a good leader of people. Management isn't just number tracking and giving marching orders to your team. Can you identify where folks are strong and weak and can you build a plan to improve those people. Are you prepared to deal with the politics of culling your team when you find the weak links that simply don't belong?

Lastly, can you creatively build a sales process. Chances are you will need to, at some stage, tear apart what is already in place and build it from scratch. Do you have the experience to do so, and if not, are you able to ask for help?
Account Executive
Thanks for these. Definitely trying to manifest it into existence.

I definitely feel like I'm fluent in what it takes to be a consistently high-performing SDR.

I got a small taste of leading people as a team lead. I've been part of culling through processes and supporting reps, as well as having conversations about weak links.. I've just never had to be the final decision in that scenario. 

I like to think I have a good base knowledge to build off of, but still have a ton to learn about the role. 
Account Executive
Don't get discouraged when you get denied time after time. Most companies "NEED" experience to hire someone into a management role. So as you are applying, pay no mind to those who don't want to give you a shot
WR Officer
How'd it go?

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