Ask for different territory or better understand leadership expectations?

Hey folks. New to a territory that’s been declining revenue for the past 3 years. So much so that my quota is greater than all the net new revenue generated over those same 3 years. Almost all of my competition is also concentrated in my territory and I’ve been told that marketing doesn’t have the bandwidth or budget to support any targeted programs to help my region specifically. Customer usage and adoption is also low. Additionally we don't have a lot of case studies for me to share customer stories to use in my prospecting but I've been told it's a big focus for marketing. All in all this is making me question management’s expectations and my chances for success to hit my number.

Is this something where I need to have a “come to Jesus” with my management to clearly understand their expectations? Try my best and look elsewhere if it doesn’t turn around? Or a bit of both?

💆‍♂ Mindset
🧠 Advice
👑 Sales Strategy
If you have some competition in your territory, that’s gotta mean there’s a need out there for whatever you’re selling. I’m sure you’ve done this about 500 times already, but you could focus on how your service offers more specific value than your competitors? In terms of management, you could try asking why that territory has been declining. Are people moving out? New competition that has an edge? Ultimately it sounds like you got dealt a bad hand, but getting some more data might help. Numbers never lie. Good luck out there man, show the competition who’s boss.
Chief Revenue Officer
Uncomfortable conversations make businesses (and careers) grow. What negative could come with requesting a meeting to better understand your leaderships "whys" behind the decisions.  Why you for this territory? Why has revenue been in consistent decline? Why is the target so out of line with history?  If your leadership can't with specificity give you the why, then find new leadership :) 
Enterprise Account Executive
As you wish, my lord

How do I make my sales manager understand that my sales style does not fit into his?

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Managing Customers Expectations

Managing expectations, do you:
86% Say, it is what it is. Take it or leave it.
14% Agree to something that nigh on impossible and hope for the best
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