BDR Manager Hiring

Hey there, interested to better understand what it takes to attain a BDR managerial position. I find often candidates that are hired - don't fit the "X amount" of experience for the job posting or that more & more companies are hiring existing BDRs to manage their BDR teams. Interested to hear everyone's thoughts around ideal tenure, experience, or position to take on a BDR managerial role.

-What kind of experience would you look for if you were part of the hiring process? 
-Would you be interested in an applicant/candidate that has just finished their tenure as BDR (potentially carrying out team lead responsibilities)? 
-Would you feel comfortable with someone experiencing their first dip in the managerial pool with your BDR team (whether that be SMB, MM or Enterprise)?
-In your opinion, can someone who is an existing BDR be a potential candidate to manage the BDR team?

Thanks again for any insights that can be offered, fellow sales savages!
🎯 Career Development
🤝 Interviewing/Offer
🧢 Sales Management
SDR Manager and Consultant
Speaking here as a former BDR manager. It's really hard to find BDR managers that want to make a lateral move to manage another BDR team. I think you'd be better off promoting somebody internally (whether that be a BDR who shows promise, or an AE who wants to move into a managerial role) who already knows the processes and industry.

That being said, managing and being an IC are two different skills, so you'll have to use your best judgement on who will be able to make that transition.

And lastly, speaking from experience, when making a commission plan absolutely don't make an individual goal AND a team goal. Just make a team goal.
I also think promoting a BDR is the way to go. Especially internal promotions 
Good Citizen
Account Executive
Interesting last point, why only make a team goal rather than both?

BDR to AE or BDR Manager?

BDR Manager or AE
36% BDR Manager
64% AE
94 people voted

Career in sales other than AE --> Manager --> Director --> VP


Would you take a BDR manager role?

Is taking a BDR manager role vs inside sales a career killer?
33% Yes - it adds 0 to your resume if you have no closing experience
67% No - being a manager of any sort is a positive thing
129 people voted