Best Pattern Interrupts

Buckle up and grab a beer. The idea of this thread is to get creative, and produce some great pattern interrupts we can all leverage, whether they be for use in email, on the phone, or in person.

Pattern interrupts can be incredibly powerful tools and are commonly found in hypnotic inductions.

The idea (when used in a hypnotic induction) is simple:

  • Initiate a "pattern" of human behaviour, for example: extend your hand for a handshake - this normally elicits an automatic response (pattern) which is that the other party will tend to extend their hand, expecting a handshake to take place.
  • Interrupt that pattern - How long does a handshake last? - Have you ever met someone who keeps shaking for A LOT longer than you normally shake? This person wasn't trying to perform a pattern interrupt, they were probably just overly keen or excited to meet you, but they inadvertently put your brain into a "WTF? state". There is more than one way to interrupt the handshake pattern: make it last longer (induce a WTF state), start moving the hand in weird circles instead of a normal shake (induce a WTF state), or suddenly "yank" the hand, pulling the person off balance towards you (shock induction).
  • Give the suggestion / command. The WTF state or shock opens a window in which you have ALL of the subjects attention (both conscious and subconscious). In a shock induction, this moment of shock is normally when the hypnotist will give the suggestion / command "SLEEP!" and most subjects will collapse into a heap. Slower inductions use the WTF state to start to "ease" you into a hypnotic trance.

Why am I mentioning this?

Because pattern interrupts give you the complete attention of your "subjects" (prospects).

This is of particular importance in prospecting, because if you come off like every other (crap) sales rep that a prospect has encountered before, then you'll get shut down without getting to perform a proper discovery. This is your chance to grab their attention.

Cold outreach will typically give a success rate of less than 5%. That is A LOT of wasted time and effort. But what if you used pattern interrupts to plant a seed that will germinate when the prospect is actually in the market for your product or service?

How do you use pattern interrupts?


Do NOT attempt a hypnotic induction with anyone without first undergoing hypnosis training. You wouldn't get into a car, start the engine and hit the accelerator if you didn't know how to drive, would you? Well, hypnosis is the same. The induction is just starting the engine and putting the car into gear. If you have no idea of hypnotic "steering", accelerating, breaking or how to "park hypnotically" and turn the engine off then don't start the damn engine (of someone else's car).

๐Ÿ”Ž Prospecting
๐Ÿ“ž Cold Calling
๐Ÿ“š Resource
WR Officer
Bitcoin Adoption Specialist
I like the idea. Sometimes when I get a No from a prospect I'll yell SHIT I've been calling all day and finding my ICP is like finding a needle in the haystack and then try and overcome the no. At that point, I find it's worth trying anything what have you got to lose?
Sales Manager
Swearing = great pattern interrupt when used at the right time. Rather than try to overcome the objection, you could try to ask for some feedback from the prospect about how you could have done better. (hey, just an idea)
WR Officer
Bitcoin Adoption Specialist
That's a great idea. Ending the call with a "why?" is a great way to try and grab any last second information and better understand what I could've done better on the call
Big Shot
Regional Sales Director
Yes. That's what our BD team does so very well off late and results, amazing.ย 
Sales Executive
I love this weird shit. ย I don't believe any of it but I think it's fantastic.
Sales Manager
people who don't believe in hypnosis are my FAVOURITE people to hypnotise! (I shit you not!)
I don't believe any of it but I think it's fantastic.
I like the idea. Sometimes when I get a No from a prospect I'll yell SHIT I've been calling all day and finding my ICP is like finding a needle in the haystack and then try and overcome the no. At that point, I find it's worth trying anything what have you got to lose?
Sales Manager
I might try this, seems like it might get people to empathize with you, and possibly want to help.
Account Executive
OK off topic but to OP I am a master hypnotherapist ๐Ÿ‘€ I see you are a hypnotist! Very cool. Ever done anything for sales teams? I've recently been doing that over zoom to help teams hit their goals and created a script. Really cool to see 25 ppl all knocked out and done over Zoom ๐Ÿ’ฏ
Sales Manager
I haven't done "remote" hypnosis over zoom/skype etc for a couple of reasons:ย 

- I like to have plenty of sensory feedback (breathing rate, skin colour, be able to touch my subjects arm to check muscle tension/relaxation, and to be able to see small ideo-motor responses that I ask them for that just wouldn't be visible on a normal video call)

- If someone's connection cut out and I couldn't contact them again, I have no idea how long they would stay in trance for, and if that would cause them a problem (i.e. missing an appointment or meeting, or waking up with a stiff neck etc)

I have done stage shows with plenty of volunteers lined up in chairs and that is a blast, and I've done plenty of spontaneous stuff in bars and at parties, but for some reason the "remote" stuff just doesn't appeal to me like the "up close and personal" type. Different strokes for different folks I guess.

What suggestions were you giving to help them hit their goals? was it more motivational stuff?
I like the idea. Sometimes when I get a No from a prospect I'll yell SHIT I've been calling all day and finding my ICP is like finding a needle in the haystack and then try and overcome the no. At that point, I find it's worth trying anything what have you got to lose?

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What are your best pattern interrupt frases?
