Common storage buying triggers

hey savages, your favorite noob has returned. just wanted to ask anyone selling enterprise storage (HPE IBM EMC PURE etc.) what are some common buying triggers. Boutta hit the floor in a couple weeks and wanted to ask around.
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Been in IT and complex tech sales for 10+ years.

Storage is the most vanilla topic I cover, and many companies who have real storage needs are using the cloud because it’s far more reliable and they have less to manage.

Storage vendors each sell their unique features but it’s pretty straight forward…. They offer storage. Making it sexy isn’t easy.

Buying triggers are pretty straight forward…. Companies plan for storage for 3-5 years, and at the end of that they refresh the hardware. Not exactly rocket science; just keep a list of HW POs and ask them their depreciation cycle.
They call me Daddy, Sales Daddy
honestly never sold storage solutions but I have sold extensively to IT. However, I would imagine that companies need additional storage when there is a need from some other solution - something like storing customer data from a billing or some CX application.

So if you are looking for sales opportunities, or triggers, I would look at companies which are focused on CX or are adopting some sort of CX platform.
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