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Data vs. Storytelling - Annie Duke & Sahil

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Sales people love to fall back on statistics because it's impossible for a prospect to object to facts, right? That's how y'all hit quota every month, right?

Or is it all storytelling? Tell a prospect a story about someone else you helped in a similar situation and next thing you know they're begging you to send over that docusign and are even willing to pay full price.

Maybe both are true? Facts AND feelings are what builds trust between you and your prospects. Annie Duke breaks down how to tell stories using data so you're still building that rapport and connection while also sounding credible and educated on whatever you're talking about.

Do you struggle to incorporate data into your stories with prospects? Do you agree with Annie's advice here?

๐Ÿ‘‘ Sales Strategy
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Account Executive
As sales people I feel like we're always coached to use metrics and stats; we helped ACME convert 15% higher, we save an average of $XXX.ย 

To me and maybe it's because I've been doing it for awhile but it feels so corny and I feel like if I were ever sold to and some rep started spouting off random stats I'd be rolling my eyes.

I'm curious to hear from folks on the other side- do any of them believe nascar logo slides and case study snippits?

Story telling is the way to go from my experience... it makes it more believable to hear the story of what someone with their title was going through and why they chose to partner with us instead of the classic they saw XX ROI! Woooo!

What are other people's thoughts?
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Official Live Discussion Thread - Annie Duke Masterclass!


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Do you keep deals in your pipeline too long?
70% Yes, because they said they might, maybe, probably be ready next week
30% No, because ain't nobody got time for that!
33 people voted