Demo done (SaaS) - what would be the best ways to have a follow up and how many touchpoints?

Would be keen to put in the strategy I find from WR

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Senior Account Executive
Here is my process. I know the War Room can help refine this process so any feedback is welcome. 
Before starting the demo, I reframe the entire relationship and issue that they are facing and how I will help them reach their benefit. Verify that this is still correct and gather any updated information or issues. (Doesn’t take longer than 30 seconds)
Explain next steps and draw out the plan for them. This could be something as far as meeting with the next level of influence or reconnecting after they revise with legal. Really anything as long as it fits their buying process. Verify the next step is correct. (Less than 15 seconds) 
I wouldn’t get into a demo unless I’ve done these two pieces. This way, at the end of the demo it is easy to schedule and you are all aligned. As I schedule and end, I find some sort of teaser which may be a case study or small piece we didn’t review today that will generate interest for them to be on the next call and always schedule day and time with calendar invites. 
WR Officer
Director of Business Development
Quality advice. Thanks mate
WR Officer
Director of Business Development
Quality indeed 
Big Shot
Regional Sales Director
Absolutely. That was kind of 🔥 advice
Big Shot
Regional Sales Director
That's an AMAZING APPROACH. Thanks for laying it out so precisely. 🔥👌
WR Officer
Head of Growth
Entirely depends on the quality of the first demo... but you should be planning those next steps ON the first call (even an 'okay cool, we'll reconnect eventually'). 
Big Shot
Regional Sales Director
Yes, makes complete sense. Any particular, next step tips?
WR Lieutenant
Our demos are 45 minutes, and with the remaining 15 minutes in the hour, the reps are preparing their follow-up email. We have a very simple template that is supplemented by snippets (HubSpot) that add color based on the prospects' use case. Makes it simple and keeps us top of mind with our prospects.

As far as follow-ups go: why are you leaving any demo or sales meeting without the next steps set up? That's a crucial part of the demo call flow that will eliminate confusion and apprehension later in the deal. Set your next steps before you get off the phone, try to get on the calendar while you're still live, and then you won't have to worry about it.
Big Shot
Regional Sales Director
Getting on the calendar right away post the demo, helps. Especially when we're live with the prospect
Good Citizen
Director of Sales and Partnerships
I always put it back on them.  Tell them that "you don't want to be that sales guy following up too soon or too often.  What does your decision making process look like and when should I follow up with you?"

This way when you follow up it is bc they asked for it and they will be more likely to respond as it was their suggestion.  I am also a big fan of having to ask your team for the answer on a specific question, even if you know the answer it gives you a good excuse to follow up with them.
Big Shot
Regional Sales Director
Oh yes. That's a cool Strategy. I can correlate on this buying process question. This has been effective. Thank you for your response
Good Citizen
Director of Sales and Partnerships
You are very welcome!  
Valued Contributor
MM Account Executive
in my experience it has varied on a number of factors - 

1. Who you're selling to (persona + industry)
2. What you're selling (how complex is the product? what's the average implementation time?)
3. Average Sales Price

When taking this into account...

If you're running a transactional sale (let's say under $45k ASP, lip service PS fees, under 1 month to implement fully) - using a visual map of a "here's where we are today - here's where we're going to go up till the point of being a live customer" at the outset of the demo gives you a great framing and expectation setting with the prospect and greases the runway for setting a "touch base and debrief" call for the next day (within reason) before that demo wraps. in scenarios like this - you're likely safe to get into commercials shortly after that, begin legal reviews, etc as there isn't likely to be outstanding technical questions.

If you're running a more complex sale (let's say $120k plus, legitimate PS fees, over 1 month to implement) - you want to use the demo as discovery and likely should stay in discovery longer than you want to. you have two points of power in a deal - demo and pricing, giving up one is fine, giving up two can be a death sentence for urgency and the deal moving forward "until the prospect is ready". my recommendation in this situation is to again use the "book a debrief / catch up time" before the demo wraps - ideally this will be with your champion or champion (s). use the interim period between the demo and that call to directly call other stakeholders, gather sentiment, and come with a couple "ideas" on how to best move forward. This becomes a gray area - do they want a mutual action plan? do they want to do a more technical demo? do they want to talk to a reference? here - let them lead you to the water but keep power by making recommendations to them that are all areas where you feel comfortable taking the process and ideally - don't give up pricing until you've got a champion and they've confirmed value for their business.
Big Shot
Regional Sales Director
Very elaborate and crystal clear here
Getting a champion is key and I can agree to this completely! Thanks again for this explanation. Will tweak my Strategy a bit
Director of Sales
I have started to introduce a follow up/recap video highlighting the top points and 'reminding' them about what they said they would do before we spoke again.

Getting good engagement from that
Big Shot
Regional Sales Director
Surely makes a difference and impact, indeed!

Cool suggestion
Account Executive
Take the last 5 minutes of any demo to stage next steps. Set up a strategy call where you debrief what they saw on the demo and plan for the rest of the implementation. 
Big Shot
Regional Sales Director
That's perfect. Any particular tip to pitch this in the last 5 mins?
Account Executive
Id ask for a high level feedback of what they saw. If they say it was good/will meet their requirements, depending on the size of the deal, if its small id close it then and there. If its bigger you can say something like "great, im glad to hear we will be a good fit to solve xyz. I know we covered a lot, lets set up a brief call to debrief what we saw today and plan the next steps in the evaluation." Then on the next call just see whats left before you can get a signature, whether its testing the product, information security review, or maybe they say send an order form.
Big Shot
Regional Sales Director
Wow. That's perfect 👍 thanksss
Account Executive
Before starting the demo I typically summarize our previous call, ask if anything has changed. I then layout a quick overview of everything we will cover in the demo, and tell them after the demo we will make a decision on whether it makes sense to continue with next steps (tell them what next steps typically are).

After they say yes it makes sense to move to next steps I set a call for 7-14 days out to check in so they do not fall off the calendar. 
Big Shot
Regional Sales Director
Such a straightforward and perfect way to carry on the follow up Strategy 🙏
Account executive
A lot of things have already been mentioned, so I won't repeat them. I will say that I really like the idea of setting upfront contracts as outlined by @Kodiak. Basically, before you get started have an upfront agreement with your prospect on what you are going to go through in the meeting and what the follow-up will be, and of course, never get off the phone without getting on the calendar.

That being said, I think the appropriate process is highly dependent upon the context of the meeting is. If this is an inbound lead where it is already clear that they have a need for your type of solution, then you can be much more structured in terms of the process. However, if this is based on an outbound effort where you are trying to create interest and opportunity you will have to be much more flexible in terms of the process.
WR Officer
Director of Business Development
Uhhh u just fucking close it bro??
Big Shot
Regional Sales Director
Valued Contributor
Key Account Manager / BDM
At the end of the demo I would ask what their approval process is, and send them a calendar invite the day after they have had the discussion with their management/board. Find out what their priority's are, KPI's, if there's any other projects getting in the way etc.. But also give them the option if they want to proceed or not, is it ok with them for you to close-lose the opportunity if they're not interested... if they are interested, ask what's their recommended next step.
Big Shot
Regional Sales Director
Clear approach and Strategy. Thanks for sharing your thoughts
Valued Contributor
Key Account Manager / BDM
more where that came from, you're most welcome.

Did a couple discovery meetings, sold the value, gaged interest, submit proposal ----> GHOSTED!


Best way to start a demo?

Best demo start strategies?
79% Greet and thank for joining
18% Directly delve to agenda
0% Directly get into presentation
3% Tool right away
34 people voted

How many times will you call a prospect after they don't answer the first time? At what frequency? I typically don't make a lot of repeat calls, just call with volume consistently and try to catch folks at the right time...
