Did a couple discovery meetings, sold the value, gaged interest, submit proposal ----> GHOSTED!

So I cold called this brand that could really benefit from my managed service. Met a couple times with the owner, very interested, had great questions, soft closed him throughout the process, got him to commit, all the good stuff. After I submit proposal and he said he was just going to review it over the weekend and get back to me Monday, I get completely ghosted. It's been several weeks now, no answer to call back no emails back nothing... I'm not desperate for this deal, but it messes with me... like what happened? If you don't want to move forward, why don't you just tell me? I've been ghosted in the past but I would expect it at least - did not expect it from this one. Thoughts/advice on how to go about it?

👑 Sales Strategy
Celebrated Contributor
Senior Account Executive
I feel ya man. When you do everything right and your prospect just doesn’t have the decency to be honest or to “tell it to your face”. Thankfully you weren’t forecasting it. Unfortunately, unprofessionalism is rampant in tech sales. 
WR Officer
Unprofessionalism is rampant in business, in general. Every sales person is bound to come across more than a few of these clowns in their career.

Only thing I can think of in this situation is maybe the owner had a personal emergency or is in the hospital? Unlikely but I've heard of it happening in situations like these.

Best to move on and have it be a pleasant surprise if this ever ends up closing. 
Enterprise Account Executive
yeah, maybe one day!   but you're right, it's bound to happen for sure.
Celebrated Contributor
Senior Account Executive
The concept of common courtesy is simply lost to some people. Can’t take it personally, even thought it’s maddening. 🤬
Enterprise Account Executive
yup, unreal.  all good! on to the next...
Celebrated Contributor
Senior Account Executive
It’s honestly one of the most important and hardest sales skills. Don’t take things personally. Even more challenging for us because it’s all tied to our livelihood. 
Account Executive
The worst. I get hung up on stuff like this and its so frustrating.
Enterprise Account Executive
truly is, but it is what it is...
Account Executive
Have to be that naive person , but maybe something legit happened ? We are still in a global pandemic situation...
Enterprise Account Executive
Could be, it's just a very low possibility...
Account Executive
I hear you on this. Unfortunately it's just part of the game that we all signed on for.

My first question for you without knowing anything about your product or solution would be how mission critical is it for their business? Is it necessary or a nice to have? Did you do enough to tie it to business value? Even if it is doesn't mean they won't still ghost, happens to me plenty. Those are just questions I ask myself when it happens.

Last piece of advice is from Jbarrows. I don't always use it but he has a pretty good spiel around asking them early in the process if they're okay with telling him no. Sounds kinda cheesy but I've found sometimes (in the right scenarios) when I kind of own the fact that I'm a salesperson and we're doing 'the dance' it humanizes the process and gets me a bit of credibility.

Good Luck!


Enterprise Account Executive
Love this! Thank you!
Praised Answer
Account Executive
This is the EXACT reason why majority of people quit sales. Constant unprofessionalism and disrespect.

I have been trying to focus on building a 5% part of my exchanges/meetings that are completely separate from the sales aspect. Could be anything related personally but try and get something for them to share (kids sports(if you have kids), hobbies, passions, sports, whatever). I will use this with an inquiry after the ghosting (maybe a week). Call from a different number and ask ONLY about this personal aspect.  Ive used this a couple times and they seem to feel the guilt of the ghosting more. It brings them back to the conversation or they just reject you formally which gives you something to work off of going forward.


fuck him. onwards upwards.
Sales Enablement
Some people are really bad at saying "no" and will waste your time (even by accident) if you don't call out things that are vague or inconsistent at the start. Could you tell them candidly that you thought things were progressing, you're confused and curious about what changed? Kinda like a break up email but more of a "what happened to us?"

You've built rapport, took them through your value proposition, scheduled follow-ups, everything feels great. Now it's decision time and.... GHOSTED... How do you recapture their attention and when is it time to hit them with a break-up email?

Members only

Do you think putting out the price in the first meeting where a demo is shown , is recommended? Would it add value or loosen the deal or interest?

Pricing in 1st demo ?
10% No idea.
33% Yes, here is the reason (in comments)
16% No, here is the reason (in comments)
42% 50-50% split
159 people voted

How do you guys deal with prospect ghosting after the proposal has been sent?
