Embarrassing to ask but how do you find a new AE sales job? I'm an AE (5 years exp)...

Let me start by saying I have been in the game for awhile. I started out in marketing but after a few years realized I liked sales way, way better.

Long ago I told my current employer (SaaS) that I was hoping to switch and they were totally down for it. Had me shadow the SDR team and start there. Eventually moved up to AE since I was previously a director of marketing and they felt fast tracking me was ok. Right out of the gate starting hitting and exceeding quota. Luckily I knew the product super well so selling to folks was an easier transition. It's worked out for all parties since. Lately however, I feel like my time here is coming to an end and I need to challenge myself and find greener pastures. Been at this org for about 5 years now and feel I'm not learning and the challenge / passion isn't there anymore.

Here's where I'm at right now. I realized I have no idea what it's like to transfer to a new job as an AE and I also don't know how the whole process goes. I didn't really interview here at my current spot as I had been here for a while and then moved into the role. I know roughly what AEs go through at my office but we haven't hired a lot since I've been here.

Just looking for some helpful advice on what to do while trying to transition out of this role. Considering the job marketing right now I figured it probably is the best time!

My biggest concerns are:

  • How long on average until I start getting pipeline and commission? Most base pay won't pay the bills in LA sadly. Do most folks have a 3 month waiting period or training period?
  • What is the traditional interview process like for an AE? Weird to ask but I haven't been involved in hiring any AEs at my current org but hired plenty when I was in marketing so I get the overall landscape but not how it's nuanced to being an AE.
  • Any major red flags to look out for in a sales department that may not be as noticeable unless you've experienced it? For example if a marketing team is super averse to using new tech then that's a red flag budgets won't be there to actually meet goals - but it may not be obvious to everyone.
  • Any other tips and tricks any of you have for me? I'll take whatever at this point.

Thanks so much to anyone who's actually read this far and is willing to help out. I love this community and figured this would be the place to ask this type of question!

TLDR: 5 years as an AE but promoted from within and transitioned from marketing. Wondering the best way to find a new gig and how long it takes to start getting commission for most folks at a new gig. Marketing fucking sucks.

๐Ÿš€ Career Goals
WR Officer
Retired King of the Coors Knights
I just went through the interview process to switch companies so hopefully I can help a bit.

1) Ramp time 100% depends on the company. Some pay you in full for a few months, most ladder the guaranteed ramp down as you get up to speed (ex. month 1 is 80% OTE, month 2 is 70% OTE, month 3 is 50% OTE). The recruiter and hiring manager will be able to tell you how their ramp structure works. If you are concerned with ramp, pick a company/industry you are familiar with to reduce time spent learning the product and sales motion. I am also creating a series of onboarding journals (I normally post them on Fridays) you can follow to try and cut down your overall ramp time and pick up tricks to make the ramp more successful.

2) Traditional interview process is a few phone screens, interviews with the hiring manager and their peers, and then a presentation. Some companies have you pitch their tools, others have you pitch a tool you are already familiar with.ย 

3) I always ask what % of reps hit quota, what % of reps hit accelerators, how often territories are changed/recarved, and then the stereotypical management style & culture questions.ย 

4) I 100% recommend using internal references wherever you go, blind applications in sales are tough. Plus a reference can help coach you if needed.ย 
Account Executive
Dude how did I miss your posts?! This is absolutely clutch with where I'm at.ย 

This helps me out massively. Thank you so so much for this man.ย 

The ramp was my biggest concern and this paints a good picture of what to at least ask for and what to think about. I have a family to think about so can't just do whatever I want anymore.ย 

Good to know on the process. Thanks!

These questions are great. I'll make sure and add them to my normal list of company questions I have.ย 

Almost all my jobs have come from referrals so I fully back you on living that life. Trying to use my network now to get in a few places.ย 

Thanks man! Massively appreciate the comment.ย 
WR Officer
Retired King of the Coors Knights
Check out this one too:ย  <removed post>

I pulled a few of my favorite posts I leveraged during my interview process. I didn't hyperlink them, but the OP and titles are listed.
Account Executive
This is super helpful man! Thank you so much again. Exactly what I was hoping to get out of this.ย 
WR Officer
There is absolutely nothing to be embarrassed about fam. This is why we are here.

Enterprise roles typically have a 12 month ramp. This is critical to ask about up front to make sure you aren't set up for failure before you jump. Meech has the best advice on this thread.
Most decent companies give you a 3 month draw. Iโ€™ve gotten a 6 month one and Iโ€™ve also gotten zip.
Account Executive
Thanks! This is what I was worried about, going from a solid commission check on the reg to getting base only. Seems like I'll have a bit of a boost for at least the first little bit. Thanks for the help man!ย 
Best of luck! Tricky situation
Account Executive
Thank you!ย 

Should I mention that Iโ€™m currently running a company in my new sales job interview?

Members only

I was hired at a really good start up about 4 months ago for a SDR role that I was told I wouldnโ€™t be in for very long. Theyโ€™re gonna go public in the next year, but Zoom Info reached out to me about an Account exec position. Now Iโ€™m wondering if I should take the guaranteed route to AE or let my shares vest and get to AE at the place that took me. Usually I wouldnโ€™t consider jumping so quickly, but AE is AE.

stay or go
53% yes, start closing
47% no, dont be impatient
312 people voted

Is it possible for me to get another AE role with only 5 months of AE experience?
