Welcome all to the The War Room!
What is The War Room?
The War Room is a community designed exclusively for sales professionals. It is a place to network, have honest discussions about the profession, and serves as a career tracker for anyone who carries a quota.
What is Commission and how do I earn (or lose) it?
Commission is the War Room’s currency. It is earned through platform engagement & achievements.
So what is Commission?
Commission is a measurement of your positive contributions inside the War Room. You can spend your Commission on rewards like gift cards, swag, and much more! While you may spend your Commission, we still keep a running total of Lifetime Commission earned so that other users can see just how much of an impact you've made on the community.
How do I earn Commission?
The primary way to earn Commission is by posting thought-provoking questions and useful answers. Engaging with posts causes you to gain (or sometimes lose) Commission. Please note that posting completely anonymously will NOT generate any positive Commission.
Here are a few ways to begin earning (or losing) Commission:
- Post a thread.
- Receive an upvote on your thread or comment.
- Complete your onboarding checklist.
- Downvoted threads CANNOT go below 0.
- Downvoted comments CAN go below 0 infinitely.
- Your total Commission can't go below 0 and you can't lose Commission you've spent.
How do I spend Commission?
When you've earned enough Commission it can be spent on various rewards. From gift cards to swag! You'll find all the options listed in the Commission Exchange which can be accessed by clicking on the Commission Icon next to your username on the top-bar menu.
How do I post a thread or comment (best practices)?
To post a thread, navigate to the “Create a Post” button at the top right of the War Room forum. Write a clear concise title and choose the topic that best aligns with your post. When sharing an article or long form content, we recommend using the more important takeaway as the title.
To post a comment on a thread simply click the title of the post. Inside the post itself you can reply to the post itself, or directly to other comments.
Anonymous Posting
We allow anonymous posting in case someone has a question that could de-anonymize themselves or their company. For example, if your friends know your username and you have a question about quitting your job, you might not want people to know you’re thinking about leaving. We allow this option so that people can ask hard questions without their identity being bound to it.
How does the reward system and leaderboard work?
There are two ways to earn rewards. The first is by earning Commission and exchanging it inside our Commission Exchange. Rewards inside the Commission Exchange are subject to change, but not on a scheduled basis.
The second way to earn rewards is by finishing atop the Total Commission Earned Leaderboard (TCEL). Each quarter, Bravado will announce new rewards for top finishers and the TCEL will reset at the end of each contest period.
Total Commission Earned Leaderboard (TCEL)
Time Range:
Top 3 Commission Earners of each week will win a prize. Weeks run from Monday-Sunday @ 11:59pm PST.
Note: Each week the Commission leaderboard will reset. Commission earned during any given week will still count toward a user’s balance.
How does it work if I win?
Winners will be notified within 2 business days of quarter-end.
The leaderboard is immediately reset on the first day of the new month (even if on weekend).
Minimum commission to participate:
Minimum amount of Commission needed to participate? (150 Commission points)
War Room Culture and Code of Conduct
Our Expectations
- If you’re here to get help, make it as easy as possible for others to help you. Follow our guidelines and remember that our community is for elevating fellow sales professionals.
- When sharing content that you didn’t create, be sure to credit the author in your post or first comment in the thread.
- Downvoting is NOT an “I disagree” button. Disagreement is a healthy part of The War Room. Downvoting is to police comments that violate our community guidelines (ie: Hate speech, recruiting, or selling your product).
- Be clear and constructive when giving feedback.
No name-calling or personal attacks.
We are all Sales Savages here. Focus on the content, not the person. This includes terms that feel personal even when they're applied to content (e.g. “lazy”). Want to trash salespeople, do it on LinkedIn where out-of-touch Cyber Security VPs can pile on.
No bigotry.
This isn’t Facebook. We don’t tolerate any language likely to offend or alienate people based on race, gender, sexual orientation, or religion, etc. This should be obvious. One team, one dream. If you violate this rule you will be banned without warning.
No harassment.
This includes, but isn’t limited to: Doxxing (Lookin' at you Erika Nardini…) bullying, intimidation, vulgar language, direct or indirect threats, sexually suggestive remarks, patterns of inappropriate social contact, and sustained disruptions of discussion.