I had my first interview since 2013 today- I've always been recruited so hard I've skipped interviews, so this was an interesting experience. I guess I must have done okay because I didn't even get a chance to 'close' my interviewer, this person went straight into 'okay next steps are...' which was reassuring. Here's where I need the WarRoom...
What is it like working for a VC backed SaaS company? I've only ever worked at smaller, local businesses. Largest sales team I've ever been on was 20 deep. Will they mandate I make a certain number of cold calls per hour? Use a script? Is this "unlimited PTO" just a euphemism to mean I never get a day off? I've never worked in Corporate America so hit me with all those details, Savages!
Also, can I just say to anyone out there in a situation similar to mine- Screw anyone who makes you question your own acumen, experience, and capabilities. There are tons of companies hiring right now, go work for someone who appreciates your unique skill set and don't settle for some jackass that tells you they're better than you.