Hey all,
Been a long time since I looked over an offer for someone's first foray into sales straight to AE, and looking for y'all to check me here.
The offer is 35 base and 65 target commission for total year 1 OTE of 100K. The company sells green energy systems to homeowners (think solar panels or similar). The expectation in a given quarter is 20 sales at average of $25K, generating revenue of 500K. This works out to about a 3% commission.
This seems...woefully low to me? I feel like if I'd brought in $2MM in sales in my first AE role they would have thrown me a parade and I'd have made more like 200K, not 100K.
Mitigating factors I can consider is that its supposedly all inbound, and they also have SDRs that qualify those inbounds before sending to AEs. So maybe its more like order taking? Also, maybe there's quite a bit of pass through cost, and that 500K of revenue is more like, I dunno, 150K? My advice to her is to ask to see conversion metrics and inbound volume and talk to other AEs at the company.
Anyone else have any considerations to mention, or corrections for my assumptions?