Back to the giant bag acquired from the factory for this week's sage advice:
Keep your eyes open, and take advantage of the unexpected.
Oh yes, pay attention all along the sales cycle! Or before you engage and make that first call. Pachacuti, this one also works well for you.
It is easier to resist at the beginning than at the end.
This one is intriguing, because it depends. Are you the prospect? It's far easier to shut down that cold call, or defer engagement before things start. As a rep, if you can show value, then those wanting your solution are likely to help you get through the process, often helping overcome objections of procurement or legal. For us in sales, it means doing good work at the beginning, to get the call, to keep them engaged, to move them through the process to earn the business.
On the flip side, if you're the rep, what would you be resisting at the beginning? If it's a bad fit, yes, that's one thing. But really, most of us will take that conversation pretty much all the time. For us, it's harder to resist at the end. You're almost there, you don't want to lose the deal, you want your own leadership to get out of the way, you're likely to want to provide just one more benefit or discount to get it over the line. Knowing this and how to overcome objections will help here as well, to help you know when you shouldn't leave money on the table.
Your natural charm will attract someone special.
Can you sign an agreement? That's what I consider someone special. Also, this really is another one for Pachacuti.
Have a great weekend, everybody!