Hardware vs. Software Sales

Howdy fellow savages! Before I get started, I've indeed done my DD and found an older post with a similar question, but I have a bit different of a situation:


I've been in biotech capital equipment sales for a few years now and looking past recent company-specific red flags, I am looking to transition to a more remote-possible job to increase my flexibility (thus software sales).

My question is less about a setback in the transition (as I'm sure there will be) and more about selling the two types of products. Going into interviews for software roles, I want to understand as well as possible the differences so that I want to know what I'm going into (but also so I can sell myself as well as prospects, gotta know those objections!).

For savages who have done both (or software only folks, anything you're willing to share), what kind of unique challenges are involved in software sales? A non-tangible product is a big one, but I'm sure there are some differences in things like the outreach process, building value for products that take a while to show ROI, company structure, etc.

Anything is much appreciated!

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