Have you ever been publicly shamed by a Sales Manager?

When I was a wet-behind-the-ears sales rep for a safety products company I used to get shamed for low dial numbers daily. (I was the #2 rep of 25, 2nd only to a guy that was literally (and fraudulently) filling out PO's under dead people's names)

They use to make me drag a chair across the sales floor and fill out everyone's metrics from the day before on a whiteboard.

Anyone else ever deal with some similar bullshit like this?

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Celebrated Contributor
Senior Account Executive
Never. That's highly inappropriate.ย 

I can understand having leaderboards so people can see who's performing and who's not...but that's definitely taking it too far and should be addressed at a higher level or with HR.ย 
Notable Contributor
Account Manager
Thankfully this happened 10 years ago and I ended up getting fired actually.ย  The reason I got fired was also BS... They took away my base salary, told me I could work whatever hours I wanted to, and then proceeded to terminate me because of attendance (go figure)ย 
Celebrated Contributor
Senior Account Executive
๐Ÿคฆ๐Ÿผโ€โ™‚๏ธ Terrible.ย 
Notable Contributor
Director Sales and Market Development
That is a bad practice and borderline harassment. Sorry that happened, hope you are out of there. And to answer, No, I have not been publicly shamed and hope to keep that streak going.ย 
Good Citizen
Director of Sales
I had a manager that only shadowed my calls (on a team of 12) because "I'm the only person that needs to improve" and would say things like, "If anyone needs me, I'll be with this guy ALLLLL DAAAYYY". She had never been a cold caller before, so her advice, for the most part did not work.ย 

I went to HR about it, and HR said, "a member of your team came to us with the following complaints..." so she knew it was me. She pulled me into her office to say, "I'm not a bad person! I'm only helping you because you need it."

I resigned within 2 months.ย 

Was I the best cold caller? No. Was I the worst? No. Did I lose sleep over the constant micromanagement? Yes. Did I get worse at my job over the period of time she did this? Yes.ย 

I was making great money and performing somewhat, but I was absolutely miserable. You should make as much money as possible, but if you can't stand the idea that you have to get out of bed every day of the week, it's time to go.ย 
Celebrated Contributor
Senior Account Executive
Glad you got out...but sorry that it had to come to that.ย 
Notable Contributor
Account Manager
Holy shit that's a horror story!ย  Shame on her for RETALIATING against you.ย  She should've been fired for that.ย  You cannot take someone aside after they complain to HR about you and intimidate them, wow, I would've walked out and contacted my employment attorney.ย 
Good Citizen
Director of Sales
Yeah I thought about getting an attorney involved, but it honestly wasn't worth it enough to me. It was a relief to walk into her office on a Monday morning before the week even started to say, "Here you go!" when I handed her a letter of resignation...then I went on vacation!ย 
WR Officer
This is not okay.ย 
Federal Business Dev Director
I had an AM job where we would get yelled at in the office with everyone around. killed morale and extremely unprofessional. so i found a new job and gave them 2 min notice that i was quitting.ย 

if there are issues with a rep, the manager needs to discuss them privately, not publicly. you have no idea what that person is going through and you will only make issues worse if you publicly shame them. what you went through was sheer stupidity from a person that obviously has no business being a manager.ย 
Digital Business Associate
That shouldn't happen anywhere. WOW. I haven't had it happen but I've seen it multiple times and the manager typically tries to spin it into a joke but it obviously never is.
Account Manager
I am so sorry you had to go through that. And I'm glad you're out.

Tell me about the shittiest sales manager you ever had.


What's the dumbest thing your sales manager has ever said to you?
