How do you build your partner/vendor relationships?

Like most, I work in a company that requires that I sell through our partner relationships. For over 8-years, I've had to cultivate these relationships to maintain consistent funnel growth. However, I have noticed that newcomers in the game find this step the most difficult.

What's are some ways to court partner relationships for new sales representatives that have always had to sell direct?

Feedback first, then I'll share. I hope to get some responses on this; working with partners is critical to success w/in technology and medical sales positions.

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Valued Contributor
Southeast Regional Manager
I am intrigued to see the answers to this one, because you are describing me!
I started a new role at the beginning of the year and I am now selling through partners / installers. My previous role was B2C and I was the one who was closing the deals. Now I am relying on other people to close deals with the end users and it's been different for sure.
Notorious Answer
Account Executive
Even if we don't get any replies (I hope that's not the case), keep an eye on this.ย  I have more availability to put together a proper response for you.
Notorious Answer
Account Executive

I'll start it out and list these one at a time to keep this post alive.ย  This information is critical in my opinion.

A. Bring value to the partner by bringing them new opportunities.ย  Give to getย 

"I have an opportunity that I need to bring someone in on, it's a great one.ย  Before I commit to a partner, I'm looking for someone that wants to form a relationship and can point me in the direction of other opportunities.ย  Is that fair?"

Challenge to the Best: Tell me how you build relationships.


Tips for building good client relationships when selling:


Building sales relationships with VCs
