How to structure a return offer from a pre-seed startup?

Salud, savages!

I've been working in sales on a temporary 6-month contract after a few years in strategy + (top-tier) business school. I'm loving the role and have managed to close / near-close a few deals, incl. one huge one, so whilst we didn't have an official OTE in the agreement, think I'll be getting the success bonus + a return offer, probably at VP-level.

The company is pre-seed, enterprise SaaS, just-about cash positive, raised $800k from angels, 5 FTEs (of whom 1 is sales-focused, + the CEO), won't be gearing up for Series A until H2 2022, at my estimate. If nothing goes wrong this month, my deals will have brought in >50% revenue for 2021 to date.

What salary / commission breakdown & amount should I ask / look for in my return offer?

Should I ask for equity? If so how much?

Would be great to see some example comps for similar stage/size startups, if nothing else!

Thank you.

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Startup equity negotiations

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Need advice : Go to a Big Company (Google/SFDC) or early stage startup [8+ years of Experience]


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