Reminiscing on in-person trade shows and hopeful to their eventual return, I was thinking about all the various Keynote Presenters I've heard over the years and trying to pick some favorites. Top three for me would be:
1) Frank Abignale (see: Catch Me If You Can). Real guy who the book and movie were based on. Absolutely fascinating story!
2) Eric O'Neil (see: Breech). He's the FBI agent who exposed Robert Hannsen, the cover Soviet Spy in the FBI. Intense, 1st hand accounts.
3) Maj. Dan Rooney. Current F-16 instructor as well as PGA golfer and president of Folds of Honor. Just an incredible American with lots of great stories, a great message and extremely worthy cause.
Any favorites from the War Room? Any that prompted you to check out more of their stuff; books, organizations, etc? Any that really moved you and/or prompted you to action?