Keep it Quiet? WTF

Ok - many of you know my writing style, my gifs, my mild success and my incessant complaints so I apologize if you've heard any of this before but I need advice from the savages and I believe I'm mentally in a place to really do something about it instead of just keyboard warrior-ing.

Q4 of 23 my company was told by it's board and sister company that the space they were using was needed as a prep area for a huge project deal. The powers that be moved us down the road to office above the same sister company's warehouse. The space is smaller and has "open floor plans". Regularly, the block and tackle employees in the pit: CS, BDRS, AEs, AMs, and Implementation have been told that we are being too loud for the executives likes...WE DIDN'T FUCKING CHOOSE THIS PLACE OR SITUATION MAN YOU DID (to my execs)

This may be another nail in the coffin. I've been putting off dusting off and updating the resume. This place is 8m away from my house and tech based on shipping (which isn't going anywhere) I've been here 3 years, I do their podcast, on good days my CEO is cool (went to my wedding, throws out sport & concert tickets) I have some strong belief in the product, and generally really like my team = but I'm really really really close to burning it all down.

Emails and comments like the above, sell it first and we'll fix it later ideals, working directly for the CEO b/c they cut a CRO that was actually enjoyable to work for and who pushed back against the RTO from hybrid (which we were all hired as), neglecting to remembering the 2 largest company deals in history back to back in the past 6 months AND comments that I'm "trying to squeeze work in between home responsibilities" AREN'T WE ALL? I can't be the only modern male trying not to throw everything on my WORKING wife's plate day in and day out.

I either need talked off the ledge or motivated to go put it all on the open market...I also don't know if I have the heart for the Quota Coaster anymore with the 1 year old and 3 step kids and lovely domestic situation. I want to do my job from 9-5 clock out and not think about work again until the next day...I don't know that I can do that with sales, unless I've just been hopping toxic to toxic. I just feel so stressed when the CEO has board meetings or a bad day and I have to do a lot to not bring that home and I'm not always successful.

Bit of a vent but also I need advice b/c the money ain't bad for a Midwest tech. $80k base and about $150k OTE (I hit about $120k last year, hard as an AM with limited accounts/new products to hit quota EVERY quarter but I always hit annual - I'm also the ONLY AM now due to turn over and failures - how I got my base up to even that). 7+ years sales exp, 3 hardware, 4 saas - house is set, kids college is set (I married well but I'm not a freeloader), but I want a pool in the backyard in 5 years lol.

How bad is the market? Am I crazy for looking at operations or sales/customer support instead of sales? Hold me? Looking for next best steps and calls to action. I need to do something or re-drink the punch.

I want comments, but gimme advice w/some commission reward (read b4 plz):

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๐Ÿ™ Mental Wellness
โœŒ๏ธ Growing Pains
๐Ÿ’ผ Office Life
From my perch, the market blows hard chunks. So, yes, always be interviewing, but that absolutely cannot have any bearing whatsoever on your day to day... also, you already know this.

Some more thoughts from an anonymous rando on the web-

1. Your grass is a pale shade of green ATM. It doesn't sound like the total hell that many are in. Finding bright green these days if very tough, not impossible, but a bonafide bitch. So, no matter what comes from a job hunt, full opportunity vetting is more important than it ever was. --Everybody and their 1-legged step-sister from the fetish section of the dingy porn store-- has a new thing that does some cool things if you click the right place at the right time... usually with AI that isn't AI. So... don't fucking buy it until you get proof that it gets bought. Also, you already know this.

2. Consider your frame of mind at time of posting. If necessary, allow cooler head to prevail in order to withstand the current shitstorm. As you say, and as I've read, CEO dude really ain't all that bad.

3. The last time you closed a deal - If I were a betting man, I'd wager the entire scrotal sack it wasn't yesterday. Revenue still cures fucking everything.

4. You may very well have grown through and out of sales. And that is fucking fine. Just don't act on the new revelation and land in a spot where the pool at the resort looks nothing like the brochures. Where the once-inviting deck chairs are covered in bird shit. Where the waitstaff are more like prison guards, throwing you stale, half-eaten sandwiches. Where the other guests can't hide their hollow expressions of regret, their sunburnt faces etched with the unmistakable marks of shattered dreams, broken promises, and unmet expectations. Don't take that job. Also, you already know this.

Hopefully the rant was helpful. A wise Filth once told me, "nothing like a war room rant to cleanse."
Live Filthy or Die Clean
Firstly upvoting and thanking for this amazing write up but need to hop on a call, extended thoughts to come. <3
Live Filthy or Die Clean
@oldcloser Man you just get me and speak my language way to easily.

1. Yeah this is my major concern - my complaints are many but the pros are many more. Good product, good industry, doesn't hurt it's down the street. I'm sure I would run into the same issues 90% of the places I would land and yeah job hunting sucks.

2. I shouldn't be allowed to talk with people in the morning apparently - I mean yeah a boss is a boss and he doesn't completely suck. Idk what about the AM makes me unable to regulate my chill.

3. Guilty as charged, so fucking guilty here - I wish so badly I didn't hold my self worth to my closed deals per quarter. You get the keep your entire sack this time.

4. I know you give me credit for a bunch of metaphors and creative writing but this may be the most accurate representation of what I fear from leaving sales ESPECIALLY at my org where I had the relationships...even with the other 3 points I was teetering but this fucking picture of a hellish shit show scene you painted in my head smashed me squarely back to the sales side.

Goddammit do you ever get sick of being right all the time? lol Needed this, NEED TO CLOSE A DEAL MORE but needed this a lot.
Thanks man maybe I'll get another huge deal before I decide to rant again. I guess this is better catharsis than screaming obscenities in the office
Yeah, you had an extraordinarily shitty day. Only relate because I did too. next
Retired Choirboy๐Ÿช•
"1-legged step-sister from the fetish section of the dingy porn store..." Ahh, the visual on that - a true LOL. ๐Ÿคฃ๐Ÿคฃ
No legs is just too messy.
I said go find an operations role BUT with a caveat - don't rush into anything.

There are a lot of negatives with the work environment especially. But the market is also fucked.

If you can stick out awhile and work into an operations role at the current spot then go for it, IF the environment will be different, but it doesn't sound like it is.
Live Filthy or Die Clean
Yeah I need to hurry up and wait for sure. I think I need a few more commish checks before really making the jump, if I ever let myself. What would I complain about then?
Thanks for the input boss man.
Director of Revenue
Market's pretty rough. The best option for finding a new gig seems to be networking your way into one.
It sounds like you dont hate your company, but maybe are just feeling burnt out on the sales org? If ops is on your radar, I'd start exploring that further.
Live Filthy or Die Clean
Yeah I'm going to lowkey hit the grapevine and see if anything unicorn and shiny is out there. $200k/yr shipping executor would be a good start but I don't think that exists lol
Business Like Things
The grass is greenest where you water it. Stay put brother. Itโ€™ll work itself out if you make it work.
Live Filthy or Die Clean
I dig that quote and I'm surprised I hadn't heard it before. Thanks Charizard
Business Like Things
With that comment, Iโ€™m changing my name.
Live Filthy or Die Clean
Director of Sales NA
I clicked the wrong one
Live Filthy or Die Clean
which lol?
Director of Sales NA
Clicked 2 meant 1
Head Of Sales
dont quit sales. i think that would be a mistake given your situation. Sounds like you have a good relationship with the CEO have you had a true lay it all out there type of conversation with him?

The whole "fitting in work in between home responsibilities" comment would piss me the fuck off.

Yeah this is not 1950's where dudes just work and dont care about anything else. if that is the culture id bounce for sure. I also think you could find a better comp plan but i know the market is rough right now.

my plan of attack would be chat with the CEO and get their feedback. that could tell you alot.
Live Filthy or Die Clean
Yeah I hate the fight against the old sales mentality - I had to smile through my teeth to make sure I didn't emotionally respond that comment. It doesn't help he's an 80s executive that secretly doesn't believe anyone is working if they are remote.
Account Executive
I say find an operations role elsewhere but take your time. Keep grinding it out and giving 100% of your job effort to your job, but put feelers out there to your network that you are looking to make a change. Make the right move, not the obvious move. Chess not checkers.
Live Filthy or Die Clean
no hasty just nasty, got it!
Sr Sales Executive ๐Ÿฐ
I'd put feelers out to see if there is a better place before making any rash decisions.
See what's out there, see if it's an improvement, see what you can do.
Rooting for you!
Live Filthy or Die Clean
Thanks bunny I think, like usual, you're spot on.
Sr Sales Executive ๐Ÿฐ
I like oldcloser's response better. You got my short/about to hop on a call version.
From someone who has morning moments as well before that first cup of coffee really hits...I get the frustration. Plus revenue cures most ills.
Sales Consultant
Yes. What they said, and if you are the only AM there, can you negotiate a WFH day or two per week, just to mitgate the environment issues. Tell them you are way more productive without all the noise and distractions, then prove it and hit quota. Buy the pool.
Live Filthy or Die Clean
Yeah hard to really walk away when I have the leverage. I need to get my month/quarter under control before the true WFH days comes into play.
Bad MFer
This isnโ€™t your grandfatherโ€™s economy.
By this I mean that you donโ€™t have to be the bread winner to be successful and happy.

Sure the massive commission checks are nice, but I traded those away years ago for the ability to contribute professionally while being able to be present for my family.

For now, keep your head down at work, but start a search.
Live Filthy or Die Clean
Thanks Sly - this is def a move. I need to at least update the resume to make myself feel better and just have it be a click or 2 away of getting it in front of options or networked players.
This family shit really fucks with my bachelor sales life lol
Bad MFer
Just be networking and having conversations. If the right opportunity is there you can pounce.

And remember there is a reason youโ€™re leaning away from the bachelor sales life. Those people need you more than any job ever will.
Live Filthy or Die Clean
Hell yeah and don't I know it. It's just easier to be glib than sentimental ha.
What about staying and coming up with a plan to fix all the shit they are doing wrong? If they donโ€™t want to fix the shit, then leave. If they want to fix the shit, then youโ€™ve just demonstrated you might be worth promoting?
Live Filthy or Die Clean
It's not a bad idea and I do genuinely appreciate the input - the reason I'm not super confident it'll get me anywhere is that many of the items I've done a good job of raising my voice on, as is my job, and most of the time it gets tape or ignored in the pursuit of the most recent board promised goal.

Though if I presented it well enough with legitimate solutions it may put me in their lens as a problem solver and closer inline with the operations role I sometimes often pretend I don't dream about...until as @oldcloser accurately and annoyingly pointed out, I get a new big fat commish check or organization to logo-bait to.
Big Shot
Account Executive
If they money is good and you can tolerate for the next 6-8 months the market should start to improve. I say that because fed rate cuts are forecasted and the presidential election should be over.

You just had an awesome proposal call, but everyone is going back to their busy lives. What do you do to keep that momentum alive, especially over a long sales-cycle?


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