Ok - many of you know my writing style, my gifs, my mild success and my incessant complaints so I apologize if you've heard any of this before but I need advice from the savages and I believe I'm mentally in a place to really do something about it instead of just keyboard warrior-ing.
Q4 of 23 my company was told by it's board and sister company that the space they were using was needed as a prep area for a huge project deal. The powers that be moved us down the road to office above the same sister company's warehouse. The space is smaller and has "open floor plans". Regularly, the block and tackle employees in the pit: CS, BDRS, AEs, AMs, and Implementation have been told that we are being too loud for the executives likes...WE DIDN'T FUCKING CHOOSE THIS PLACE OR SITUATION MAN YOU DID (to my execs)
This may be another nail in the coffin. I've been putting off dusting off and updating the resume. This place is 8m away from my house and tech based on shipping (which isn't going anywhere) I've been here 3 years, I do their podcast, on good days my CEO is cool (went to my wedding, throws out sport & concert tickets) I have some strong belief in the product, and generally really like my team = but I'm really really really close to burning it all down.
Emails and comments like the above, sell it first and we'll fix it later ideals, working directly for the CEO b/c they cut a CRO that was actually enjoyable to work for and who pushed back against the RTO from hybrid (which we were all hired as), neglecting to remembering the 2 largest company deals in history back to back in the past 6 months AND comments that I'm "trying to squeeze work in between home responsibilities" AREN'T WE ALL? I can't be the only modern male trying not to throw everything on my WORKING wife's plate day in and day out.
I either need talked off the ledge or motivated to go put it all on the open market...I also don't know if I have the heart for the Quota Coaster anymore with the 1 year old and 3 step kids and lovely domestic situation. I want to do my job from 9-5 clock out and not think about work again until the next day...I don't know that I can do that with sales, unless I've just been hopping toxic to toxic. I just feel so stressed when the CEO has board meetings or a bad day and I have to do a lot to not bring that home and I'm not always successful.
Bit of a vent but also I need advice b/c the money ain't bad for a Midwest tech. $80k base and about $150k OTE (I hit about $120k last year, hard as an AM with limited accounts/new products to hit quota EVERY quarter but I always hit annual - I'm also the ONLY AM now due to turn over and failures - how I got my base up to even that). 7+ years sales exp, 3 hardware, 4 saas - house is set, kids college is set (I married well but I'm not a freeloader), but I want a pool in the backyard in 5 years lol.
How bad is the market? Am I crazy for looking at operations or sales/customer support instead of sales? Hold me? Looking for next best steps and calls to action. I need to do something or re-drink the punch.