Mushrooming accounts

Hi all,

For when you're mushrooming an account (e.g., different departments work with your company, perhaps you are replicating an agreement from a different country, etc) how do you approach it?

I personally like to start off with an email, followed up a follow up call maybe 3 days later, same week. Sometimes you get interest off the bat, sometimes you get rejection off the bat (shocker).

In the rejection situation, do you continue to try and sell? Do you handle their objections as if they are a prospect? Do you try to work your way around the DM's direct reports or their boss to create value to someone else?

There are a lot of different routes - would love to hear how the WarRoom folks handle this type of account & process.

๐Ÿ‘‘ Sales Strategy
๐ŸฅŽ Training

Expense Accounts?

Does your company provide an expense account for entertaining clients?
88% Yes
13% No
24 people voted

How do you prioritise accounts?
