Rejected & Accepted in 3 months : THE BEST FEEL!

One of the best feeling as a Sales person was getting accepted after a prior-to-marriage-day rejection from a prospect whose agreement was made, too!

Boss had my neck before the marriage eve๐Ÿค!

Got back post vacays and then, BOOM appointments : 2 (one with the decision-making authority & one with realtime user)

The bottom up approach, worked well with value proposition shown against a quarters' billing they had without our tool

And no, price negotiation was never made, infact prospect felt offended while I denied (reasons were logical as the price point given was to make sure service capability was intact!)

Thoughts on which was your best feeling deal, yet?

Best deal was similar?

Attached poll
*Voting in this poll no longer yields commission.
๐Ÿฐ War Stories
๐Ÿ“ˆ Closing
โ˜๏ธ Software Tech
down voters are marketing spies
Are you using a bot to write these? So hard to follow.ย 

Big Shot
Regional Sales Director
No. Not at all๐Ÿ™„ Any particular reason?

Members only

Accepted an offer but now another one has come in

Members only

I'm severely underpaid. I signed another offer & resigned. They're begging me to stay...

Members only

I was hired at a really good start up about 4 months ago for a SDR role that I was told I wouldnโ€™t be in for very long. Theyโ€™re gonna go public in the next year, but Zoom Info reached out to me about an Account exec position. Now Iโ€™m wondering if I should take the guaranteed route to AE or let my shares vest and get to AE at the place that took me. Usually I wouldnโ€™t consider jumping so quickly, but AE is AE.

stay or go
53% yes, start closing
47% no, dont be impatient
310 people voted