Sales methodolgies. Useful or useless?

Do any of you believe that you are well-versed in any particular sales methodologies? If so, which ones?

Also, have you ever worked for a company that forced their sales reps to sell using a particular sales methodology? If so, which one was it?

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WR Officer
I use a variety of methods I've learned over the years. Mainly, I keep my meetings conversational and I listen. Don't get too caught up on methodology or you won't hear the prospect. 
Director of Sales
A lot of the companies I have worked for have standardized on MEDICC or some version of it. A couple have been super strict with it and you need to fill it all our in order to advance an order.

I like MEDICC enough to us loosely. It helps me find gaps in the process that I can use to get a better grasp on the opp....but it isnt the end of the world if I miss a portion. 
WR Lieutenant
I've done Sandler 3 times now, and I hated every moment of it...but I use a lot of it because it's easily repeatable and can be molded to your personal style.
Director - Digital Sales Transformation
I've been exposed to a few of them and I got something out of most. Ultimately, I personally do not think you need to stick to 100% of what you're taught in any scenario. As @Mooney said, MEDICC is a good enough framework to point me in the right way most of the times, really flexible. I think that as long as you're mixing and matching what you learn through those methodologies in a way that's good to your customer (meaning you don't give them a shitty experience) and good enough for you to get what you need, you're fine.
Notable Contributor
Director Sales and Market Development
We use MEDDICC and its fine cause honestly how can you win a deal without those key components. How to get those components is up to us which i like as i dont want scripts or robot sales people, shit needs to be organic
Account Executive
Am I well versed in any of them? Not even close. Do I believe in them? 100%. 

I think every situation requires a unique approach and I try to keep that in mind with how I handle things. 
VP of Sales
They’re all useful, but not if you get rigid and fixated on them. The best salespeople can fluidly and dynamically jump between and borrow from each of them. . If you’re going to get stuck into one, you’ll never be adaptable enough to be top-tier.
Good Citizen
Director of Sales
I find that at the core every methodology is preaching the same thing. You need to ask questions in an organized and thoughtful manor to understand how to position your product and qualify/progress the deal.

In my opinion, a great read on consulting sales is "Let's Get Real & Let's Not Play" (full title). It's super dry, however, how the author frames asking questions and calling out concerns is brilliant.
Celebrated Contributor
The talk track is important but it should be conversational. I can distill our product and advantages with a pre-set list of answers I could recite while blackout drunk to any question I get in about 10 seconds.

With experience you kind of know how the conversation will flow, you're leading the dance and then you seal the deal.
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