Sending A Personal Video to Clients

Curious on peoples thoughts sending personal videos to clients as intros, follow ups, thank you, etc. Have you had success? If so, what has been successful?

WR Officer
Head of Growth
I posted this in another thread on this topic, but it pretty well sums up my feelings on the matter: 

When the third brake light (the one running across the bottom of the rear windshield) was first used in 1974, it reduced rear accidents by 60.6%. "This was incredible," thought safety engineers, "we need to install these on every car!" So they did in 1986.

Then in 2013, someone else reviewed rear crashes to see if cars without the third rear light (old cars or broken lights) were really that much worse. They were, but only by 4.3%. 

What happened? Why did it go from 60.6% to 4.3%? People became used to them. It was no longer novel to see a third light, so people became blind to them. 

Why am I telling you a story about brake lights? Because the same thing happens in sales technology. Video gets great results right now! But when every single SDR/AE is using video it will fall in effectiveness drastically. That's my prediction at least. 

(Here's the article I used for source:
Account Executive
Remember when someone came up with the revolutionary, funny breakup email of asking the prospect if they were eaten by alligators or abducted by aliens or some such? 

It worked really well because of the pattern interruption, for about a hot minute.
Account Executive
I have only done this a few times. The most success i've had was when I was looking to re-engage with someone who was either "closed lost" or hadnt been responsive.  Doing this as a starter seems to come across as to much, but when it's someone you have engaged with previously it seems like they appreciate the creativity and the extra time you put into reaching out, compared typing an email or leaving a voice mail. 
Senior Client Executive
Agreed. I have built some great relationships with clients, but when I have sent a video that is max 30-45 seconds, they only were watching 12 seconds on average. Maybe it's my face :)
Members only

Sending emojis/GiF's to prospects? ☕️


Getting personal with prospects and texting them... Thoughts?

Do you text your prospects and open this line of communication?
80% Yes, when I can
13% No, don't want to blur the lines of communication
7% Never have before, maybe I should
46 people voted

Anyone have luck sending gifts to prospects pre-meeting? (i.e. Sendoso, Alyce, etc.)
