- Made bank in Martech, got laid off during Rona
- Took a role that was pitched as a SaaS-based HR disrupter
- Six Months into the current role.
- Its not really software-based - it's service
- Sales have been easy but they're scaling and making decisions w/o concern for quota or salespeople. Somehow headcount + quota = Sales.
- I'm hitting and exceeding my goal, but with the headcount and division of territory that will be ending soon.
- I've had this discussion with US leadership and they agree. Yet hiring continues on.
- The job is really flexible and not that difficult.
- Most insane comp plan I've ever seen. Totally dependent upon the onboarding and experience from an inept CS team.
- First time I've had an HQ out of the country. This creates a real divide between the front line and HQ.
- Leadership Opportunity at current role possible in 8-10 Month
- I'm in one of the hottest job markets in the country
Now, all that said, I have been getting massive offers from in-country local tech companies. We're talking about almost doubling my OTE (an extra $140K) in a more relevant field.
Things I am considering:
- My wife is super nervous after Rona - She thinks 'bird in the hand'
- I'm not sure about the leadership role as I take things I hear from leadership with a grain of salt. Corporate HQ will quickly change direction without communicating to US leadership.
- Nobody wants to start a new job - it sucks.
- I am earning here - for now. I do not think the hiring plan is smart or attainable. They just intro'd territories and are cutting leads with each hire.
- I feel outbound will be limited by my territory/region. I am catering to hypergrowth startups and am not on the east or west coast.
- I've been fooled by the base and OTE at one company. I worry that could be clouding my vision.