I'm not going to disclose the name of this company but here is the story:
college students were promised $10 in cash just to show up to this "interview" and usually were recruited by another student who worked this job.
the role was to be a vendor at a booth and sell a product at different high schools and universities-very seasonal.
You would show up to the warehouse to load the trucks and they gave you a location for the day (or few days) you had trips on. Then you would load up a vehicle with the product and head to the destination. All transactions were cash and credit card terminals but the accounting was just on a written paper... They paid for all food and travel expenses on these trips including hotel stays ( I flew to the West Coast for a trip once)
None of the rental vehicles used EZ Pass, it was all cash and again logging expenses on a hand written log..
And we were all paid in cash??? They really had
make it make sense