What are the best ways to befriend top-performers at your org?

Sup WR, just started a new AE role. Coming from start-up land where everyone knows everyone - I'm definitely in unfamiliar territory when it comes to navigating a larger org esp in a fully-remote setting.

I want to perform the best I can as fast as possible and the two obvious ways I can see are

  1. break eggs, fail fast, learn the lessons early by just doing the AE activities
  2. learn from the top-reps in the org - shadowing calls, asking for pointers etc.

That said I'm not really sure how to approach these folks without a reputation/body of work.

Not tryna be the new guy that pulls up and asks for favors/help w/o adding value, they're prolly thinking who tf is this guy.

Some things I have thought of

  • Approach them and offer to pick up slack, offer value in any way
  • Have my manager introduce me (doubtful & kinda cringe tbh)
  • Put in the work, build a reputation and body of work and then approach these folks.

Would appreciate some input from the WR.

☁️ Software Tech
🤝 Networking
Live Filthy or Die Clean
I mean they are just people - I would set up a virtual meeting (assuming you aren't in office and can't just walk into their office/cub) and say basically what you've said in this post. If you cant talk to coworkers openly how are you going to pull teeth from a prospect?

You've got the right mindset so stop thinking and start doing. If no one at your org is willing to let you shadow or roleplay for 30 minutes once a week then they just suck as people. I don't even like people and I'd do that for just about anyone.

Everyone needs a Rabi.
Account Executive
To paraphrase Halo to fully agree:

OP, you ask that as if top performers and humans are two different things. They aren't machines, they're just people.
WR Officer
Reach out via phone, Teams, Slack, Email, carrier pigeon...

You have to make the moves by initiating contact and build the internal relationships. 
WR Officer
Just reach out, introduce yourself, and tell them you notice they're one of the top reps there and are wondering if they'd be willing to (insert whatever you want from them here.) 

All top reps were the newbie at one point, most people are happy to give back as they learned from people more senior than them at one point as well. Just be reasonable in your asks, don't be needy, and if they say they'd prefer not to help just leave them alone. 
Account Executive
Echoing what everyone else here is saying about just simply reaching out and would also like to add. Take their advice. Nothing irritates me more than for someone to ask for my advice and then just completely ignore it. I'll flat refuse to give them the time of day if that happens.

I'm more than happy to lend you a few minutes until I feel like I'm just wasting my breath.
Sr Sales Executive 🐰
Don't overthink it.  Just reach out.   While you are getting out there and learning on the ground, add in shadowing as a valuable part of your personal onboarding.   Someone else mentioned recordings - find those if you can and listen to them as well.   
Account Executive
The approach I took in my current role was flattery- tell them why you want to learn from them, and ask if they’d be willing to let you be a fly on the wall during some calls.

Most high performers I know are very open to this- it’s when the manager is the one asking that it gets combative. They’re not training you, they’re illustrating what they do to drive their success. If a manager asks, it feels like training.
Officer of ♥️
Exactly what filth said. On top of that if it really is that bad that they dont want to meet w you you should leave. If you’re intent on staying try adding some
Value like, hey noticed you’re prospecting x company, noticed they had y buying signal and the z person may be the best to talk too. Im new here but am keen on learning the ropes any chance I can shadow a meeting of yours, listen to a recording, or pick your brain for 30 mins? I’d greatly appreciate it and would shout you out to my manager when I see success
They call me Daddy, Sales Daddy
Compliment them.  Ask to take them to lunch and pick their brains.  As Pitbull says " Ask for money, and get advice. Ask for advice, get money twice"
VP of Sales
Tbh, this has always been my approach:

”Hi, I hear you’re the best? Can I buy you lunch, or a drink?”

If you say it right, they don’t usually say no.  The same is applicable to asking women out, but you usually have to blow a little more smoke.
EVP Revenue
If you're working at a larger company, they may have invested in tools like Gong or Chorus. Figure out who the top performers are, listen to a few of their calls async, and then reach out to highlight something notable they did / said that you think was particularly effective. That can be a great foundation for then spending more time together and learning more from them -- when they see you're willing to put in the work to learn on your own from the tools that you have, and you could have picked anyone, but you picked them because they are special.
Celebrated Contributor
Enterprise AE
If you join calls. Take expert level notes and send them over after. Best way to keep get invited. Plus it’ll make you listen more intently.
Inbound Sales Manager
Big Shot
Professional Day Ruiner
reach out to them. most top performers are more than happy to chat and talk strategy with you. 99% of them want everyone to succeed like they do. Unless it's someone they're directly competing with of course. 

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