What’s your best war story

A prospect recently told me that he was having nightmares about getting stuck on the phone with me and I honestly felt bad (my manager loved it). Would love to hear some other war stories to make me feel better. And not have nightmares.

WR Officer
Sales Manager (Mid-Market)
Two stand out for me.

1 - One of my first SDR cold calls, caught a CEO mid-meeting. Thought I was lucky, but turns out it was by design, as he let me blunder through my rookie social intro and elevator pitch...then told me I was on speaker and let his leadership team rip me to shreds. The silver lining was I got incredible feedback that stuck.

2 - It was around Halloween, and a prospect told me she was dressing up as Storm from X-men, with her family as wolverine/cyclops/magneto. Naturally, as a huge nerd, I was pumped, and told her I had to see pics! Hindsight, probably should have just moved on - she took it as me wanting to see her in a Storm costume, and told me she knew people in HR at my company. Someone else from my team was on the call too - it was pretty cringe.
Valued Contributor
Account Executive
I prospected into a CMO at a fortune 1000 company. I left a fairly vague voicemail to try to build interest but not spill the candy. He found me on LinkedIn and sent me an InMail letting me know how much he hated my voicemail (which often gets me compliments and callbacks), and that he would never work with a company that would deploy these tactics. I replied and explained that I am in the business of feedback, and would be doing myself a disservice if I didn't request some then. We started a dialogue back and forth to the point he shared what he was looking for in a vendor like my platform. I asked if we were able to add value, would it be worth taking this conversation to a zoom. BAM! He then agreed to a meeting. Three weeks later, purchased a small instance of the platform to do a proof of concept. 
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Gun pulled on me during sales call, what're your best war stories?
