What would you do if someone stole $22K from you?

I quit my job today. 

If someone stole $22K from you at gun point, let’s just say… you would at least have the recourse to file a grievance with the police. Furthermore, if the culprit were apprehended, and found guilty, they would face some sort of penalty. 

Well, week 1 of this year I had a human piece of shit going by the title ‘Sales Manager’ for the company I just quit, without explanation, “reassign” an account with a major O&G OEM that I’d been the sole (only) AE on for 14 months… to HIMSELF… as he saw that the Quotes I’d compiled in opportunities, in Q4 ‘21 alone, were approaching $3MM. Anyone who works in Sales knows what happens at the beginning of Q1… budgets are released for the year, and folks start spending money. Can you guess what happened next???… an order in excess of $1.1MM was placed. The equivalent of robbing me of a $22k commission. 

What would you do if someone stole $22k from you?!?

But it doesn’t stop there, believe it or not. Then this turtle-looking-mother-fucker had the audacity, because I called him on his snakey fucking move, to go the CEO and complain about me - like a schoolgirl BITCH - that I was being “insubordinate”. Or, that’s the word he would have used if he were literate. Trying desperately to get me fired. 

Then this CEO fucking TEXTs me - epitomizing professionalism - “You & Jack butting heads, huh?”, and a rash of other text messages all about the complaints levied against me by this loser, who is clearly in his first position of “power”. After articulating and confidently sending a message as to exactly why I was crossways with this coward, in text, the CEO went radio silent… because I’m a gawt damn word ninja & I stood my ground. You know… the way a man does. So, after 15 min. of ‘crickets’ from this supposed ‘titan of industry’, I sent a follow up message explaining that I’d be more than happy to discuss this matter over the phone, if he would like. To which he replied, “only if you’d like too”. And I obliged him.

When I called he was clearly unprepared for the conversation he started. Stammered and stuttered his way through explaining that he was “just seeing smoke between you two, and I don’t want it to turn into a fire”. Perhaps the most eloquent phrase this inbred member of the “sperm lottery”, doing a phenomenal job at ruining his family business, has ever muttered. So, again I obliged him. I said, “Timmy, I’ll tell you what. As soon as I get off the phone with you I’ll call Jack and address his complaints… but admit it, you understand why I’m upset… you know this wasn’t right…”. Timmy, I suppose to his credit, admitted it. 

So, I call Jack. You know… the guy who just stole $22k from me. He’s clearly unprepared to converse, as well. Apparently he didn’t expect me to stand up to the CEO, and was shocked to be hearing from me - the type of shock that only unscrupulous sleezebags display when they are confronted with their actions void of integrity by someone who refuses to bow to their bullshit. 

I ask if he’d like to go first - since he did start this conversation, albeit in the way a child might start a conversation with their sibling by going to their mother - but, of course, he doesn’t. So, I happily begin… I push for a reason why that account was taken from me arbitrarily, I ask why this company doesn’t have control enough over their own processes to so much as produce KPI’s to arm it’s outside sales team with, I point out how this is the only company I’ve ever known to have a (alleged) Sales Manager who doesn’t send out QTR’ly reports to track account progress, nor quote to order ratio, doesn’t ‘tier’ accounts, doesn’t discuss targets or quotas… all of which is pretty rudimentary stuff. Jack has one word reply’s to each point I attempt to force his feeble mind to comprehend - because he is just dying to get off the phone. To end the conversation, I ask him if he has anything he’d like to run past me??… (which, come on, you ran to our superior to talk shit… we know there’s something on your mind…) Jack says he will “think on it” and send an email with his thoughts later. 

I got this email two days later, and it was a nearly incoherent, bullet pointed, note… peppered with veiled threats to fire me if I don’t “fix” _______ & improve _______. This mouth-breathing asshole answered or spoke to exactly zero of the extremely valid points I raised, continued to belittle and berate me, and flex the only muscle he’s ever had - the one bestowed upon him by an all but removed & out of touch CEO, operating without ethics, robbing people of the money they rightly earned. 

All avenues exhausted, out of options, there’s simply no getting through to these people. 

I spent all weekend giving careful consideration to what the right thing to do was. What I was going to do next. I knew, without a doubt, that I was finished tarnishing my reputation to continue asking my customers to put their confidence in me, to provide this company opportunities that has consistently proven its lack of integrity time and again. Then it was a good friend who helped me realize that my association with this toxic group of people was beginning to impact my closest relationships negatively. I took that observation, meditated on it, and a realization hit me. 

The trait I despise most in people is insincerity. It just is. And it struck me that I’d become resentful and angry because, for the sake of continuing to draw a paycheck from this group, I was forcing myself to be insincere - to the extent that I didn’t believe this group would make good on its promises to the customers I’ve spent years establishing and building rapport, cultivating a relationship with, and earning their trust … in fact, I had almost no faith at all that they ever would - and that made me complicit in their repugnant, insincere & morally reprehensible way of conducting business. 

I have been gainfully employed full-time since I was 15 years old, and I’ve never quit any job before in my life. In doing so today I now have to dig into the old savings account for a while, but, at least I’m leaving with my reputation still in tact & can face my customers proudly. All of which are going to follow me wherever I go… and then I’m coming for ALL their business. 

So. Yeah. Like I said. I quit my job today.


Edit: 1/27 - I've been unemployed for 3 days & I've got two offers, with companies I can do exactly what I set out to do.... take my book of business back 100% & then come for all their shit. 

Thanks for the support my fellow Savages! mean it. 


Edit: 2/7 - Two weeks to the day after I quit my last post on principle, I have accepted an offer from a better outfit, with much greater upside. oh and more $$$. Thanks to everyone here who offered support during this brief but odd time in my career. 

🛢 Energy & Industrials
🙏 Mental Wellness
🤘 Personal Growth
WR Officer
Retired King of the Coors Knights
Fuck Jack. That’s some small dick energy. 

If someone did that to me I’d put a nice kneecap shaped dent in my Louisville Slugger and smile in my mugshot. 

You handled that as professionally as you could, so kudos to you. 

That fucking sucks, but sales karma is a thing and they have a bad thing coming.

Best of luck in wherever you land next! And seriously, fuck Jack. 
Celebrated Contributor
O&G O.G. - Sales Mgr. - NCSA
Thanks, Coors!
And yes. Fuck Jack where he breathes.
WR Officer
@paddy needs to read this ASAP
WR Officer
I'm filling in for him while he's off handling business. 

Some might assume this is to their benefit because I'm smaller and less physically powerful than him, but they are quite wrong as I make up for what I lack in physical ability to torture with my advanced mental torture methods. 

Now, I'm thinking we can start this chode off with 24 hours tied to a chair watching Gong employees sing a Gong infused and off-key rendition of "Sweet Child of Mine." 
Celebrated Contributor
O&G O.G. - Sales Mgr. - NCSA
Yeesh. I’m so seething mad I just put together this long reply… and for fear I may have shared to much information I just removed it.
Anyhow. Thanks for the support, FC. Hope you catch up to this asshole and give him the business.
WR Officer
I gotchu, don't worry. 
Burn Towns, Get Money
+1 for use of the word "chode"

I love that word when used correctly.
Celebrated Contributor
O&G O.G. - Sales Mgr. - NCSA
Does Paddy know anybody looking for a guy who can slang the shit out of some machine time??
WR Officer
Director of Business Development
No but I know a trained assassin 
Celebrated Contributor
O&G O.G. - Sales Mgr. - NCSA
How well trained? Reason I ask… I don’t want to pay Top Tier assassin prices as this target would be very easily subdued.
What I’m saying is, your guy is likely overqualified.
WR Officer
Oooooh can I play with him?
Celebrated Contributor
O&G O.G. - Sales Mgr. - NCSA
Nah. Nothin.
*preface* - My wife is a Guilbeaux who was born at Opelousas General & raised in Ville Platte, Louisiana - so I love Cajuns.
But, these stupid slimy fucks epitomize every laughable and degenerate stereotypical thing you’ve ever heard about the “Cajun Mafia”.
They’re also (and maybe not so coincidentally), no bullshit, a group of overly religious Jehovah’s Witnesses.
Look. Be whatever you want to be. Believe what you want to believe. What I’m saying is these guys make Scientologists seem normal.
Regional Sales Manager
Damn hell of a Monday, shitty people suck and glad you got out.
Celebrated Contributor
O&G O.G. - Sales Mgr. - NCSA
Did I mention that I outsold this piece of shit for the year, too?? Yeah.
Anyway, fuck em. Bump in the road.
Learned a lot from this experience. Some of the best teachers we’ll ever have are the ones who teach us how NOT to do something, right?
I am serious though. I’m going to Jerry Maguire the fuck outta these fools.
Sr Sales Executive 🐰
I can’t wait for an update in the next episode. I believe it will happen!
Enterprise Account Executive
Karma is a bitch. They'll get what's coming to them.

Make sure to leave a shitty Glassdoor review. It won't get your comission back but at least it'll help others avoid these jerks.
Celebrated Contributor
O&G O.G. - Sales Mgr. - NCSA
This world is a small place, and the Oil Field is even smaller.
This fucking guy has been banned from the busiest facility for one of the accounts I supposed is now under him.

Have you ever been banned from a facility?
No. I bet you haven’t. Why?.. Cus you’re a professional.

I can’t wait to see this pos out at events.
Good for you, I know it’s hard having gone through something similar recently. You did the right thing before tarnishing your reputation with your clients and prospects. Especially if you plan on working in the same space for a competitor. My next piece of advice is to get it out of your system and get your story straight as to reasons you left. Unfortunately explaining this story to your your next possible employer won’t go over well.
Celebrated Contributor
O&G O.G. - Sales Mgr. - NCSA
Thanks for the sobering perspective regarding how this story may be received by my next possible employer. I do appreciate the feedback.
From my end, I feel confident having left without giving this slimy group the opportunity to fire me, which was initiative #1 for the idiot the “put in charge”, precisely so that I can control the narrative, as much as possible. Keeping my reputation and book of business clean as I can.
And, if anyone in a position to hire me fundamentally disagrees with the way I conducted myself in this situation - I don’t want to work for them either.
F the man
Celebrated Contributor
O&G O.G. - Sales Mgr. - NCSA
Sr. AE
All I can say is you're too brave. Good things are ahead and all the best.
Celebrated Contributor
O&G O.G. - Sales Mgr. - NCSA
Much appreciated, Diablo.
All the best to you, as well.
Just curious what was the guy's reasoning for taking the account?
Celebrated Contributor
O&G O.G. - Sales Mgr. - NCSA
He was promoted to Sales Manager back in October. Since then he’s watched my activity with this group skyrocket as the market has been positive and The Permian is booming right now… a lot of folks need machine work.
He took the account from me and reassigned it to himself because he’s a snake fuck that knew a gigantic order would soon be placed.
Fucking robbery.
no yeah, was just curious if he had any excuse other than greed to give to the CEO but sounds like he didn't even have that
Sr Sales Executive 🐰
Good for you for walking.
Celebrated Contributor
O&G O.G. - Sales Mgr. - NCSA
Thanks!! Appreciate the support.
Sr Sales Executive 🐰
I see the update, too.  

Next step I expect:  a fresh new post announcing you've found a great new job!
Celebrated Contributor
O&G O.G. - Sales Mgr. - NCSA
Hope soon…
Thanks again!
The WR is the shit.
Account Executive
Oh yeah, there's some Isaac Newton equal and opposite reaction karma coming to these POSs. Like, being reincarnated as one of Harvey Weinstein's ass-hairs karma
Celebrated Contributor
O&G O.G. - Sales Mgr. - NCSA
Thanks for the support!
Account Executive
Anytime! Don't trip, your graceland is just around the corner. Maybe go visit Graceland and let The King guide you on your journey
Celebrated Contributor
O&G O.G. - Sales Mgr. - NCSA
Funny. I was the best man at a wedding at Graceland in early December.
Growing up I my house the ‘holy trinity’ was: Jesus Christ, Ronald Regan & Elvis.
I’ve seen every cheesy movie he made, every live performance & (at least nearly) every record.
Was a really cool experience.
Valued Contributor
Sales Manager
Ouf, that’ll come back to hit him in the ass. Good on you for how you handled that fuck stick. Bigger and brighter is coming your way
Celebrated Contributor
O&G O.G. - Sales Mgr. - NCSA
The encouragement is much appreciated, Madam.
Big Shot
Account Executive
I've found that holding a grudge is too much work, this former co-worker is a total tool. The universe tends to unfold as it should.
Celebrated Contributor
O&G O.G. - Sales Mgr. - NCSA
Sound advice. I’m working my way down from fuming mad to… something less intense than that.
Sr Sales Executive 🐰
Cold determination to excel and beat them at their own game?
Celebrated Contributor
O&G O.G. - Sales Mgr. - NCSA
Nah. I just want to take my book of business back. Then, take every other customer they’ve got. But, never thought I’d have to qualify this, do it all with integrity - hence, not “their game”.
I’d also like it if Simple Jack stubbed the same toe every morning for the rest of his miserable life.
Big Shot
Professional Day Ruiner
Shit I would look into a lawyer. Get as much of a paper trail and evidence as you can and go after them for the money. Not sure if you realistically have any legal standing, but in general you can consult with a lawyer for free to see before you have to pay them anything. Worth a shot at least
Celebrated Contributor
O&G O.G. - Sales Mgr. - NCSA
Phenomenal advice & thanks for the support.
My buddy happens to be a lawyer. I’m working through all this with him now.
Celebrated Contributor
O&G O.G. - Sales Mgr. - NCSA
Oh. And I have every single email backed up on an external hard drive. RFQ’s. Sales reports talking about my inciting influence over purchasing from Houston. Etc.
I have a clear picture on paper - using the spreadsheets & shabby ass reports that came out of my old group - telling the story.
I don’t know how it will get resolved… but I’m certainly going to exhaust every resource to get what I earned.
BTW - on top of this $1.1MM that was the final straw, so to speak, these fuckers still owe me on $450K+ from other accounts in Q1 bookings alone, that I haven’t been paid for - accounts which there is no question about whether or not they’re mine.
My buddy guarantees me that I’ll get paid on that. But, unfortunately, it gets more complicated with the *** account.
Big Shot
Professional Day Ruiner
Keep us updated on how it goes. Unfortunately, I’m sure this will happen to other sales pro’s throughout their career. So knowing if it was worth pursuing legal action or not will definitely be good information to have
Celebrated Contributor
O&G O.G. - Sales Mgr. - NCSA
I’ll do that. And, for what it’s worth, you’re Tier 1 in my book.
Big Shot
Professional Day Ruiner
Tier2 is a reference to what part of their infrastructure it is lol. Tier2 data is things like your data backups. Appreciate the love though!
Celebrated Contributor
O&G O.G. - Sales Mgr. - NCSA
Ah. Got it. You SaaS/Tech guys talk a different language.
I’m a regular ass fuckin hand in the oil patch, that can juuust get by using Microsoft on my laptop.
Still… my opinion of you… TopTier, dude.
Have a great day!
SDR Manager
That's complete and utter bullshit. So sorry that happened to you. You're going to crush your next role 
Celebrated Contributor
O&G O.G. - Sales Mgr. - NCSA
Thanks so much for the encouragement.
The support in the WR has honestly surprised me, and I appreciate all you fellow Savages.
Director of Sales and Marketing
I got fucked out of 65k two years ago and I still haven’t gotten over it
Celebrated Contributor
O&G O.G. - Sales Mgr. - NCSA
Sorry to hear that, Indiana.
Hope you’ve landed on your feet at a better outfit and killin it… leaving those fuckers in your wake.
Sr Director, sales and partnerships
Keep us posted as you start taking clients. You made the right move, and you sound like someone who is going to crush it!
Ouch. Good for you for walking.

Anything else I have to say has been put eloquently by other savages.
Celebrated Contributor
O&G O.G. - Sales Mgr. - NCSA
Much appreciated, Jefe.
Big Shot
Take their manhood and their wife

Chief Revenue Officer
doesn't a sales manager carry a team number? why would a manager re-assign an account to themselves?
Account Executive
Austin - How far along are you in your quest for retribution? Would love regular updates as you dole out the sales ninjitsu on your former employer. 
Celebrated Contributor
O&G O.G. - Sales Mgr. - NCSA
You know what - I’m over the anger. This whole situation was a blessing in disguise. It gave me the opportunity to step back and evaluate what I want to do.
But I do appreciate the support, Stiffy!
Head Of Sales
wow just reading this now and happy to see you landed on your feet. what a fucking nightmare ! cant imaging having to deal with something like that. 
Commercial AE
Holy rant. $22k on a $1.1M deal is peanuts. That commission structure should have been your first red flag 🚩
Celebrated Contributor
O&G O.G. - Sales Mgr. - NCSA
Word. I always want more money. But in O&G a 2% rip can be great.

Plus $100k salary, expense account, gas card.

It’s easy to make $250-$300…

That said, “You show me a pay stub for $300k plus, I quit my job right now and I work for you…”