What's up my friends. Almost September, this year has been flying by.
I have finally made the move forward to start interviewing and so far have just had one introductory interview with a company that is top of my list of who I would want to work for. First call went very well and I've passed their screening test.
They move very quickly, and I would be making my exit by end of this month if I continue with the process and accept.
My current issue that is deeply tied to Murphy's Law (because of course this happens right when I start actually looking to move), is after my interview call last Thursday, I get a call Friday from one of my accounts who I recently closed (one location). Corporate wants to implement our solution for ALL the other locations which would DOUBLE my sales for the year. This would pay out 3 months salary in commission (of my current base).
The timeline on this would close and have payment most likely September but being careful I'll say October. I would then be paid out on this sale in either late October or Late November worst case. November is also my 1 year mark/review.
Clearly this is annoying as I now have a carrot dangling in front of me to keep me where I am now, but by taking the new job I would have a 50% base increase and large increase in my OTE compared to what I currently make. Plus the new company has better benefits coverage and offers 401K.
The reason I'm looking to leave is I don't feel challenged in my role, we have very little team support with no room for promotions, my income is very much not competitive with the market, and commission got slashed in half a few months ago with no change in base.
What would you do in my position? Keep interviewing? See if you can pause?