When responding to a sales inquiry, what are your thoughts on asking the prospect to book directly via your calendar link?

I try to be thoughtful by saying, "Feel free to send me times that work for you. Or conversely, for your convenience, I'm providing a link to book directly on my calendar."

Noticable Pros:

I find that it's super helpful for folks (especially international prospects) to schedule appointments if they can see my availability and reserve a time. It can take days to book a meeting without it given the possible disparity in timezones.

Possible Cons:

I don't want to "put a prospect off" by asking them to book a time on my calendar since I'm the one selling to them.

I'd like to hear your thoughts, but a poll also sounds like a good way to measure too:

Attached poll
*Voting in this poll no longer yields commission.
๐Ÿ‘‘ Sales Strategy
WR Officer
Head of Growth
I think the way you're handling it is the best way to do it. I do the same thing and every once in a while someone sends me some times to meet, but 90%+ of the time they just book on my calendar.ย 
Big Shot
Senior Account Executive
If it's 2nd touch after a response there is absolutely no problem
Valued Contributor
Corp Account Exec
Easy way to let them slide through the cracks. Nice option to have additionally but donโ€™t leave it on someone else dictate your sales cycle

For all you mail mergers out there, do you see more success emailing one DM or all DMs on a custom thread? I've noticed that putting all relevant DMs on one campaign that is 100% customized to their business has a much higher response rate (28% meeting sucess)

Do you see more success emailing one DM or all DMs on a custom thread
74% One Decision Maker per Email
26% Multiple Decision Makers per Email
58 people voted

How many reach outs (email, call, LinkedIn, etc.) with no response does it take for you to take that prospect off your list?

Members only

Sending a calendar invite without talking to a prospect first?
