Where should I look?

Tl;dr Product analyst/working closely within sales. Looking for any input on getting a first time sales job. 

Product analyst but find my duties to be all over the place. For the past 2 years roughly - I have put forth huge cost savings by digitizing a whole crap lot of operational stuff across physical warehouses. Wasn't rocket science as I was able to get help from other people outside of work.

if you didn't get it by now, my company is filled with dead weight. The positions above me are filled with those that'll never quit or retire. I was promised a big promotion and pay raise for doing a lot of effective cost cutting, and growing customer contracts by improving product delivery's etc etc..

Any advice is truly appreciated - I have no college degree. thank you
🧠 Advice
🚀 Career Goals
👤 Corporate Bro
They call me Daddy, Sales Daddy
You’re a product analyst? How did you end up at a Sales chat room?!?! You sure you’re in the right place?

Regardless - go back to school and get a degree. No one will take you seriously outside your current company without one.
Product Management Analyst
Well in my company (not sure about others) I fall under sales specifically sales VP’s I usually work with

The school part seems hit or miss to me though. I see many people without a degree and with. Would projects that I’ve done help?
This is both what I was wondering and thinking.

Sounds like product management would be a good route, but education will be required.
Account Executive
They're asking to get into sales and you're telling them to go get a degree? Wild.
We're notably THE profession without this kind of barrier to entry.
Product Management Analyst
Just got my offer for BDR!
Account Executive
Nicely done! Congrats and welcome to the dark side.
Business Like Things
Not sure what advice sales people can give a product analyst. But sounds like you should see what your value is in the market first. What roles are you applying for? What advice are you looking for? This reads like a bio rather than prodding for help. What do you need help with?
Product Management Analyst
As I reread what I wrote it definitely sounds like a biography 😂

The advice I am looking for is how to really get a foot in the door. It seems like networking/connection is the big one.

Would business development representative fall under sales also?
Notable Contributor
War Room Community Manager
Ofcourse! BDR has to be the stepping stone into sales.
Product Management Analyst
BDR seems to fall under what I’m handling now. My current title definitely doesn’t fit what I do. Thank you, going to research more into that now
Notable Contributor
War Room Community Manager

If you're looking to get into tech sales, I have a couple of suggestions and a few questions.

I'll start with questions;
Why are you looking to get into sales? Any specific industry that caught your eye? Have you done some research around this space? You asked if a BDR falls under sales, so I am assuming the research is not rightly done yet. Please throw more information that you think may help us give a suggestion.

Learn more, educate yourself about this space more. Join some sales courses which are live and preferably run by someone who has good contacts in the industry to get you an interview.

Network more. Give interviews, ask fellow SDRs or your networks to take your interviews to make you prepared for the real deal.

Keep us posted.
Product Management Analyst
Pushing into sales for a challenge really. I enjoy being under pressure and have deadlines/goals to meet. Scratches my brain a bit. Absolutely minimal research - however since earlier I’ve been speaking with a few friends who have worked in the industry (not anymore). Education wise though I keep getting mixed signals from really everywhere. A friend tells me his co-workers did not have college, another friend said they all did.

BDR seems like a perfect target for me right now. I have transferable skills and a (I think) good targets hit in both profit margin increase/product expansion to current contracted customers. (Absolutely zero commission)

Product Management Analyst
Just got my offer today!
Account Executive
Being an SDR is a good entry to sales if that is what you want to do
Enterprise Account Executive
Sales is a profession where “getting in” means nothing, “doing it well” means everything.

Many companies have a history of easily hiring, and easily firing salespeople.

Best way is to start as a BDR and put your dues in. This will teach you the most, and set you up for success later.

Landing a position means nothing if you can’t find & close revenue successfully.
Product Management Analyst
Totally agree. Thanks man. By chance I’m kindve looking for some thoughts on college vs no college, do you have anybody at current job without any higher education?
Product Management Analyst
Update: I’ve been applying for BDR positions like a wild man. I think many postings are seriously bogus to test waters - but anyways I got an offer today and I think I’m going to take it.

Base: $62,000
OTE: $95,000

So if I hit my quotas I’ll grab 33k bonus. The base is definitely lower than what I currently make but I think it’s a good move for me. Talked to the boss today and already getting the typical “we will offer you XX raise” Lol

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