Which management style gets the most out of you?

I recently transitioned jobs and my new manager and prior manager could not be more different.

New guy is a hard ass, intimidating, and expects everyone on the team to have their shit together 100% of the time.

Old boss was more the buddy buddy type that you could come to with anything big or small and he'd be there to help out, but was continuously in a positive mindset and super low pressure if a deal fell apart last minute or numbers weren't where they needed to be.

I'm finding myself performing much better under the new boss, which is completely at odds with what I would have expected given my laid back personality. I guess in an ideal world a boss would have a bit of both qualities but curious to hear from the group...what type of management style gets the most out of you?

Which management style brings out your best performance?

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*Voting in this poll no longer yields commission.
Account Executive
I chose 'mix of the two' but it's neither. There's a way to set the right boundaries, compartmentalize and have a clear alignment on objectives in a professional way with staff... Don't get me wrong, you will rarely find leadership that tick all the boxes this way but there is someone that comes to mind for me. He never had to really be a hard ass because he wanted to do right by his team and his team wanted to do right by him but it's not a buddy-buddy situation either.
WR Officer
Agreed with this. 

Personality wise, buddy buddy is great. I like being able to have honest, open conversations with my manager and really appreciate a manager who treats us like we're human beings and not closing robots. But when it comes to management style, I want my manager to hold me to a high standard and continuously push me to my full potential. I don't want a super nice, hand holding friend that tells me I'm perfect just the way I am.
WR Officer
Hard ass intimidating high pressure is a hard pass for me. 
Chief Revenue Officer
As a "boss" there is a time to lead and a time to manage - the best bosses know which time to do which with their teams. 
Big Shot
Senior Account Executive
I'd prefer the buddy buddy style but you know that there needs to be a mix

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