Who to work with?

Who to work with?

This question came up during an appointment with my Chiropractor recently. He and I always have interesting short conversations about finance since he is interested in learning and is willing to listen whilst getting a couple good cracks out of my hunchback. Recently, while talking about a specific topic that I am licensed to help with he asked…... should I get a few quotes/prices, or should I just work with you because I like you and you seem like a straight forward guy?

The immediate reaction in my head is: ME ME ME!! But what came out of my mouth was more along the lines of “Get a few quotes, make sure you feel comfortable with the costs of various services. I can promise to do the best job for you that I possibly can, just like every client, but I don’t want you to work with me just on pure relationship.”

Now, we all have a friend, cousin, brother-in-law, or college buddy in almost every industry if you look hard enough. But should you work with them just because they are somewhat close to you? Is it better to work with someone that on a professional level you have confidence in?

Is the personal relationship the most important part? Being able to enjoy working with someone long term, and I mean this from both parties’ perspectives. Is that the most important aspect of a prospective business relationship in the financial services industry?

What do you think about when evaluating who to work with or on the flip side, what client you should take on or pass?

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Big Shot
Account Executive
If the person I know is offering something reasonable and I trust them it save a me the headaches of getting other quotes. If the price is more than I expected I’d shop around. You did the right thing here because you want to be reputable. 
Yes, and they will do their best of you as well because the relationship is a bit on the line as well.
WR Officer
Damn I need a chiropractor stat
Big Shot
Rolling 20's all day
I think that having the personal connection is half the sale, but it also adds a higher level of support. Because what if your customer/buddy/acquaintance-who-bought-because-they-know-you has a bad time with your product? Can mess up your personal relationship.

For me, I would also recommend they get other quotes, but that's because I sell something that actually works and I believe in. I want them to be extra confident going with me, not just because they know me. 
Account Manager
If someone is getting paid margin on the transaction, I'd rather it be someone who buys me a drink or sends me a birthday present. The relationship is so key. No matter how much we want to pretend the value of the service/product rules the day, we aren't rational consumers, and the relationship plays a key role.
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