Why is it impossible to land a Quality SaaS AE role with no SaaS experience?

So I am a P Club Biz seller in a fortune 50 company, landed very large accounts for my small/midmarket/enterprise AE role. Sales cycles may be transactional 7 days or up to 6+ months.

I make almost 200k and probably more this year. So BDR/SDR is impossible to do... and most AE roles do not pay this either.

I would like to find a larger Sale / larger paying job.

However, I cannot find a role that pays more because every SaaS recruiter will not offer anyone a AE role that pays well without experience. Yet they will hire the SaaS Vet with 15 companies under his belt in 5 years, just because they get paid for someone with SaaS experience.

”Hey, just think of your future. You may take 2 steps back but in 3-5 years your 4-5 steps ahead....” no I’m basically where I’m started and I lost a lot of money over that time.

if we want to move out of AE it’s management that pays less and adds stress, to make more money or move up in the world, we’re not qualified.

How do we get out of this never ending circle of sales death, especially if we’re in the top 1% now.

( please do not comment - take the step back to move forward or anything along the lines of that Devaluing Bs 🤮 )

🎈 Mentorship
WR Lieutenant
Account Executive
It’s bullshit and even us in software know it But you have to get a seat at the table (interview) from a recommendation

skip the résumé game this way and prove that you can sell in the interview. 

if I knew who you were I’d be happy to make introductions
WR Officer
Super Sr. AE
I may take you up on that 🤔. 
Big Shot
Senior Account Executive
Man It's pretty horrible It's always like that with exception of leaving to jpin a smaller company for a bigger role but end up with the same compensation but also more responsibilities. That's the case im in now I'm having an interview tomorrow with a company in a different industry just to test out whether I can get an offer for management position.

Thinking of posting about it to get insights from you.
WR Officer
Good luck! Don't let them give you, "BuT yOu DoN't HaVe InDuStRy ExPeRiEnCe," crap. 

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New AE role in a software company

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