Bit of kindness and politeness in WR?

Recently I've noted that there is a lot of negativity in War Room. I've been a part of it too because I was feeling down and was reading too much news and it was too much.


If a new user posts something for the first time, is there a need for all the down votes and saying oooh don't post we don't like the links or aaarrrgh this question has been answered learn to read SalesGPT retard. It is not against the rules and should we not welcome them in and reserve the down votes for the second crap post and absolute bots. I hate them too. I don't think it's worth upvotes on a meme to make a new user feel bad? Have you all been shat down by poor sales management and you need to pass it on? Is that the best way to learn? Surely posts can also be ignored?

Leaderboard - people post something that has been posted and they didn't know and really there's no way to search for images here so why all the commentary about yeah you too desperate for the leaderboard and this comes from people regularly on the leaderboard? Yes I've made mistakes. My Friday post was a disaster and I learned. But not nearly all content has been that bad.

If someone asks for help, we should help them to get better and help them to use ChatGPT? Isn't it up to us to build a great community?

I don't speak English as my first language. Sometimes it means that I don't phrase things well or it's harder to express myself or it just doesn't land well like it would in my own language. And again there's little understanding for it. Is it not amazing to have people here from all over and contributing with sales knowledge?

People are working hard on Flex. And creating opportunities for us all. Look I'm a bit sceptical. I don't know how it works. But I am curious to hear about it and I do think it's a revolutionary idea. It's like Uber or Airbnb but for sales. So again just a read a few very funny comments about it from people that clicked it once, money didn't rain down on them and so they were upset.

I think this community is great and it's up to us all to keep sales great and fun and top quality. There must be a better way to do it. Especially with new users who have a lot to learn and a lot to contribute. Anonymity doesn't mean you can be a dick to others and this is not reddit. In my opinion anyway. Share memes, I love memes too but maybe sometimes just be civil.

Peace out,

๐Ÿฆœโ˜ ๏ธ

โค๏ธ Bravado Community
๐Ÿ“ข Communication
Sr Sales Executive ๐Ÿฐ
I hear you, but I guess I don't see it quite the same way.
My frustration is usually with posters who come in and give no context for their question or comment.

I want a job.

Visit this link.

Read this article.

It's not engagement - and that's what separates the WR from LI and other social media where "engagement" is a post and the reactions are memes and emojis. It's not dialogue, which is really one thing that separates the WR from most other industry discussion boards. The dialogue, the approaches, the advice, the suggestions, are all key to the unique nature of the WR.

USUALLY I ignore those empty posts, sometimes I have the time and patience for some coaching, but every so often the cranky pants are on, and I'm more terse than usual. Honestly, I don't see anything wrong with downvoting someone who didn't read the rules, doesn't make an attempt, doesn't add value, but usually I don't bother doing that either. There are a couple users I simply don't engage with. Most everyone is interesting and has a POV that is worth reading, especially when it differs from mine. It's how I get to "know" the posters and their frame of reference.

In any group, you'll have your skeptics as well as the clueless and a fair amount in between. I usually don't mind a little pessimism or negativity, but I appreciate you mentioning your concerns and your opinion.
WR Officer
Careful ๐Ÿ‡ you are about to get downvoted to hell as I am ๐Ÿ˜†
Sr Sales Executive ๐Ÿฐ
LOL, I just got one! Cowards.
Big Shot
๐Ÿฆœโ˜ ๏ธ Account Executive
Noooo ๐Ÿฅบ but you share valid points in well phrased comments. Even though I don't agree but anyway no down votsies on good stuff.
Sr Sales Executive ๐Ÿฐ
Yeah, it's a weird thing, isn't it? You can disagree about the content, but if it's sincerely given, a downvote makes no sense. Whatever. That's why I usually don't bother unless it's a blatant bot, in which case, downvote to oblivion.
I'm with Bunny here. I don't really downvote first posts from newbies that are trying. But the above are truly frustrating. I'll often post a snarky meme, but just as often I'll welcome them and provide some advice.
When it's posts 2 and 3 and 4 of garbage, that's another story.

And your Friday post didn't seem to attract any negative attention that I could see. The repost of it did, but yours seemed to be decently well received. Net of 20 upvotes, and playful banter in the comments.

You are a known quantity around the War Room, as @oldcloser mentioned.
Big Shot
๐Ÿฆœโ˜ ๏ธ Account Executive
Oh hahaha no my earlier Friday post from many, many weeks ago ๐Ÿคฃ you know it's Friday theeeen it's Saturday Sunday whoop
I do the same things with bots and you've never been mean to newbies and memes are well deserved with friendly advice.
Ahh don't recall that one. Rest of my comment still stands though!
Just looked into your profile.. That one was not great. But it didn't go negative lol. So that's a plus
Big Shot
๐Ÿฆœโ˜ ๏ธ Account Executive
I know right. I look at it and cringe to myself lol
Big Shot
๐Ÿฆœโ˜ ๏ธ Account Executive
I agree with those posts Bunny. Frustrate the hell out of me. And so for example my Friday post was not good, down vote all you like, I'll be better. New users though... Maybe a benefit of the doubt for the first time. It's like it's your first cold call as BDR and you get shouted for it? Yes we can all be a bit negative. There's a point it gets too negative and because everyone is so negative, no one notices how bad it is ๐Ÿ˜…
Your Friday post was fine. Also, you're a known commodity around here.
Sr Sales Executive ๐Ÿฐ
Will have to go check out your Friday post. But nothing jumps out at me in my memory, so I suspect it wasn't as awful as you are thinking.
There's a lot of leeway granted to those who are known entities, though, as you are. And hopefully some grace and understanding. None of us is perfect.
Big Shot
๐Ÿฆœโ˜ ๏ธ Account Executive
Hehe oh no people I meant this one but umm I have been aiming for quality since.
Yeah, that one took some abuse. Thing is, you have so much value to add. That didn't.
Sr Sales Executive ๐Ÿฐ
Honestly, you've been doing great. I think we all misstep from time to time. It's what you do with what you learn. And weirdly, the same post from you now would get a host of memes and silliness - because you've built up that goodwill from the group, who knows you're not just a crap poster. :)
Big Shot
๐Ÿฆœโ˜ ๏ธ Account Executive
Aww. I mean Arrr! I guess it teaches you a bit of resilience what Gasty was talking about to get better and to keep going. And WR is worth it and I'm not going anywhere from bothering you all
Yeah the low amount of effort post are annoying. Give context so we can actually help
Big Shot
๐Ÿฆœโ˜ ๏ธ Account Executive
Yeah I hate those, they can do one... Unless it's a new user I'll try to be kind for a little bit.
Notable Contributor
War Room Community Manager
It's almost like watching your favourite movie character turn rogue when some of the top members of the community do it.
While I respect everyone's right to voice their opinions (however gloomy they might be), it's worth remembering that the spirit of the war room isn't built on pessimism. It thrives on unity, resilience, and yes, a dash of optimism.

So, to those naysayers: we get it, the world isn't all sunshine and rainbows, but let's not forget the thunderstorms we've weathered together. Let's maybe try keeping the spirit of the war room alive!
Big Shot
๐Ÿฆœโ˜ ๏ธ Account Executive
I think it's so funny when you have a GIF of you running and it shows up in the feed, it's like help is on the way dear by mrs Doubtfire.
WR Officer
I haven't seen anyone not be civil. I've seen folks that are worried about their data, anonymity, frustrated with lack of communication, and even more frustrated with the bot spamming.

Your feelings are valid - I simply don't see your view eye to eye โค๐ŸฆŠ
Big Shot
๐Ÿฆœโ˜ ๏ธ Account Executive
I think there's room for us all to look at how we act and think hey you know what, I can do better. We can perhaps rein it our own frustration a bit. And look this is self reflection too, I could improve... Sometimes we become desensitised because sales is hard and it doesn't seem that bad but maybe to someone else it will do. โค๏ธ๐Ÿฆœโ˜ ๏ธ
WR Officer
Again, we do not see things the same.
I'm with this. @pirate your thoughts are valid. This is a great place to air them out. I just don't see it the same way. And I ain't hostile.
When I showed up in here, I read the room, replied to a bunch of posts before my first post and still had it wrong. When I dropped post #1, I got my ass handed to me.
Know what? I needed it. I'm grateful for the correction. Why did I need it? I popped in thinking that this forum was similar to any other. It's not. I needed to be told. It's authentic, raunchy and real... and that doesn't have to mean pessimistic. I don't really find it such. To @Sunbunny31 s point, there is actual engagement in here, for better or worse.

We get babies, new jobs, big deals and every other sort of variety of happy life shit. We also correct blatant stupidity. I have personally DM- coached rookies pre-interview when the question was real and revealed a real human doing whatever they could to get a new gig.

The value in this forum to me? Genuine engagement with genuine people who are traveling the same road I've traveled. Not a day goes by where I don't find value in an honest opinion voiced in here. And I feel like I can share my honest thoughts in shorthand with a group of people who get it.

Let's face it. Nothing bonds a group like a common enemy. If someone shows up preaching, they're gonna get the correction. Sometimes its friendly. Sometimes it's hostile. But it's usually very fair.
WR Officer
Unless you're marketing. Then you are getting stoned.
also fair
Not the good kind of stoned either. But they're probably already there, cuz y'know, they're in marketing.
WR Officer
No lies detected ๐Ÿงฟ๐Ÿฆก
Big Shot
๐Ÿฆœโ˜ ๏ธ Account Executive
Haha that's my favorite. Enemy of your enemy is a friend. Almost like if you can't take WR... Should you even be in sales. Always valued your opinions and you do share quite a bit of excellent advice
spasibo, dryga - :)
Sales Rep
There is a little bit of gatekeeping that isnt the best.

The issue is when there is a new person posting and its a little Linkedin-like or its about looking for a role since they just got brought here from applying to Bravado via Linkedin.

It causes posts that are not meant for the WR, but how would they know? No one reads the rules when they first join.

I think if people could see this is just a newbie we don't need to shit on their post and not be too critical. I am guilty of doing it in the past, but I am trying to stop
WR Officer
People DO see the newbies, and many take it all in jest and correct their ways.
Sr Sales Executive ๐Ÿฐ
Also, do want to add that @Kosta_Konfucius is invariably one of the WR regulars who is, without fail, helpful and considerate of newbies.
Big Shot
๐Ÿฆœโ˜ ๏ธ Account Executive
Yes @Kosta_Konfucius is hero we didn't know we needed. And that's a good summary from Kosta
Sr Sales Executive ๐Ÿฐ
The "no one reads the rules" annoys the heck out of me. Not that you commented on it - you're right - but that it happens.
Why the heck would you go somewhere and not have a basic understanding of the rules of engagement? That includes forums, message boards, etc.
Damn Pirate, youre about to make a grown man cry ๐Ÿฅบ well said, round of ๐Ÿ‘. Get this man some rum ๐Ÿน
Big Shot
๐Ÿฆœโ˜ ๏ธ Account Executive
Aww. First rounds of rum on me
Sr Sales Executive ๐Ÿฐ
Aren't you supposed to answer "Arrrrrhhhh"? ;)
Big Shot
๐Ÿฆœโ˜ ๏ธ Account Executive
Arrrrr!! Indeed. A misfortunate typo
AE (Account Executive)
The presence of an "Old Guard" in this community can make it less enjoyable and unwelcoming for new users. I suggest either creating a guide that outlines expected behavior and when to use SalesGPT or providing more substantial information instead of solely focusing on grammar corrections and sharing basic sales knowledge. This platform has the potential to be a valuable resource, but it currently seems dominated by a small group of users primarily focused on commissions or promoting Bravado, which can be discouraging for newcomers.
Big Shot
๐Ÿฆœโ˜ ๏ธ Account Executive
Yeah I called it out because people ask for advice and if you're new, then first time people should offer a bit more coaching to those new users. A lot of savages here are incredible and sometimes we don't behave in the incredible way. In a way it's quite sales like... Build rapport, ask advice, get deals (or high value posts) and I think each of us can bring in very unique advice to the table.
Big Shot
Account Executive - Mid enterprise
1. SalesGPT does not work the way we think it would / should. Asking people to hit the search bar - after salesGPT - is literally not a good advice. GPT gives condensed answers and not much links to it. So you miss the vast conversations to look into otherwise.

2. Shit posting should be called out now. High time. Commission points should be monitored. Every single line response without any value in it should not have a point. But I understand itโ€™s not practically possible to monitor so much, so we all got to be responsible.
Big Shot
๐Ÿฆœโ˜ ๏ธ Account Executive
Oh very good points! I think it's getting there with Sales GPT and to be fair it does pop up posts by other users... Perhaps "did you mean this" or "did you mean that" feature would be pretty handy to have within it. Because sometimes I go through a few searches to get a response and it's a matter of phrasing it. As for responses, I upvote because it's like ah good man /woman who took time to answer and I might agree with the short reply. And the more valuable it is, the more people agree. But down voting new people's first post... Nah.
Big Shot
Account Executive - Mid enterprise
Itโ€™s like a herd. One person downvotes. Then the next, after seeing that downvote. And then everyone just downvotes unfortunately.
Big Shot
๐Ÿฆœโ˜ ๏ธ Account Executive
Ah but what about the sense of belonging to the savage herd

How do you absorb content in WR?

WR content : How do you plan and strategise?
15% Organise over the day with splits
85% Random checks as I feel
40 people voted