How do you answer the question "how do you run your business"?

I've had this come up in a couple of different interviews, usually early on in the process with a manager or director and struggle with it. It hasn't typically prevented me from moving on in the process but I know I can improve on how it's answered. Usually the response is something along the lines of knowing the competitive landscape, finding out which companies to target in my territory, reading their milestones and highlights, finding at least 3 people to call to take a multithreaded approach, etc, etc. But to me that sounds like a prospecting plan and not how to run my business, not to mention it's not particularly granular and detailed.

What response do you find works best for you?

🤝 Interviewing/Offer
🗣 Interviewing
WR Officer
Retired King of the Coors Knights
My opinion is this answer is always internal. How do you go about building your territory, putting together a plan of attack, quarterbacking resources as needed, looping in execs, and leveraging the whole ecosystem to get a sale. Like describe your organizational skills essentially
Sr Sales Executive 🐰
I'd only add that being able to speak to day-to-day actions aimed at working that business will also help when talking with some hiring managers.
WR Lieutenant
They simply want to know how you approach your book of business, and you seem to have a good baseline.

I’m always impressed by those who can walk me backwards from their goal (quota) to their daily plan. What are you doing each day to move toward your quota. Creative prospecting plans, leverage of multiple outreach modalities, how you prefer to be coached to help towards your goals, etc. This shows me that you’ve been there and can articulate how to move forward if I put you in the seat.
They call me Daddy, Sales Daddy
Its a difficult one since the interviewer is usually looking for a specific answer. 

 "I run it like I own it" is my go-to answer.  Then I go into how I break down my prospecting, how I identify top opportunities, and then focus on closing while keeping the funnel full.  Basically the main things they want to hear.

Officer of ♥️
Like a fucking shit show obvi. Everythings an organized mess. dont barge into my personal life jack. ffs.

Real Answer: what coorsking said
Business Coach
I would answer by asking more questions; What exactly do you mean by "run my business"?  (this is very similar to "tell me about yourself" --- OK... what exactly do you want to know?)
Sales Leader
Use the following words in a few slides explaining your “plan” but remember it doesn’t have to make sense just needs to sound awesome. Actually if you make it just a little confusing you actually get extra points.

1. franchise
2. growth mindset
3. Synergy
4. Land and expand

Actual approach. Find real pain points, some of which may not apply to all or any of your customers, but do to that customer this one time.