Followup 101

I had to 'up' my followup game recently, because many prospects had ghosted because of the holiday season and were too lazy to head back in the project zone just yet. Some tricks that did wonders for me in at least getting an update, if not a closure:

  • Handwritten notes: I didn't send these notes to their addresses, so don't worry. These were just email bodies, no words and nothing else. Just hand written note on a sticky note - as an email body. It pretty much included the context in one line and the next steps in another line.

  • My tone when I called: If I had a pickup by the customer, I made sure NOT to use the word 'followup' or 'circling back'. I made sure to keep it really candid and pick it from the line that was last said on the meeting / email in December. I also made sure to have a very warm tone when I called them up. "Hey - this is xxx. How was your vacation to Kansas you'd mentioned?" No company name, no mention of the call. I eventually built it up and led to the followup anyway, but didn't lead with it.

  • Quirky subject lines that are click-baits (NOT SORRY, THEY GHOSTED!): So I wrote emails with quirky and click-bait like subject lines that I was sure would be opened. Absolutely not spammy, but a little different for sure. That worked too. Just the subject lines were quirky, the rest of the body was warm and I kept my tone.

  • Took reference of their recent LinkedIn post (NOT CREEPY AT ALL!): Hmm well, even that worked when I started the email with their own post. Their own thoughts That too worked wonders for me, because then eventually they were compelled to respond and defend their thoughts.

Hacks (borderline ethical) 101. Thank me later.

๐Ÿ‘  ThatNewAE
Sr. AE
This is indeed a god post, I like quirky subject lines, they work
Lead Sales
I love the not saying following up or checking in.

If you want something, ask for it. Don't just check in, ask for the next meeting or to get the contracts back.
Notable Contributor
War Room Community Manager
posts like these tend to get a savage on the new leaderboard.

cc: WarRoom
Sales Rep
Thanks for the share, always need tips with following up
Big Shot
Account Executive - Mid enterprise
Thanks, Kosta ! :)
They call me Daddy, Sales Daddy
No one appreciates quirky or just weird follow ups.

Post-interview just send a quick note to thank them for their time and if you're so inclined, include a 2-3 bullets highlighting key points of the conversation or your background.

Thats all. Nothing more, nothing less.
Big Shot
Account Executive - Mid enterprise
People donโ€™t appreciate quirky followups. They just respond to them. Mostly startups.
Sr Sales Executive ๐Ÿฐ
All good ones! One other thing to try: drop an invite on their calendar, out of the blue. Every single person I did this to either accepted the meeting and showed up, or declined and brought me up to speed. Highly recommend. Worst that can happen is they donโ€™t accept and donโ€™t show โ€ฆ but honestly, thatโ€™s no big deal.
WR Officer
I love a handwritten note.