Start-Up or Corporate?

I've worked at 3 different companies in 2.5 years of working

  1. Recruiting at mid-enterprise company (10 months)
  2. Sales at Series C SaaS start-up (1 yr, 2 ms)
  3. Account Executive at Series A SaaS start-up (Current, 9 months)

I've gone through 9 different direct reports throughout that time period. In my current role, I'm dealing with unattainable quotas, lack of organization, and poor product market-fit.

I've always been tabbed as a high-performer and someone with a high ceiling. My current supervisor reccomened that I should look for a more established company that has more of the things in place I need to be successful. I've already been looking for the last couple of months, but I'm still not a 100% sure what I want. I do want to be a revenue generating role, but it doesn't have to be traditional sales.

I know lots of corporate companies are starting to layoff employees, but they are generally more stable. On the flipside, I've been able to increase my intitial base salary 122% working for these start-ups. I'm ready for my next move. I would appreciate any advice, suggestion, or assistance.

🧠 Advice
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21% 0-1 years
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