We have a first in Weekly Leaderboard History today. A tie! But not for first...
1. @CuriousFox................457 points
2. @Sunbunny31 .............342 points
3. @NotCreativeEnough...342 points
In first is @CuriousFox with a dominant +100 point first place finish. In another War Room Historical moment, Foxy has finished in the Top 3 in 14 CONSECUTIVE WEEKS (and 17 of the last 18)!!! This is her 5th Leaderboard Victory over that timespan and she's brought home a purse of $435 (Don't check my math, but it's around there. Could never calculate ROI on calls which was one of my many Achilles Heel's in Sales. I had so many they were more like Achilles Birthmarks.) Congrats Foxy. You are a gd legend.
Now for our statistical anomaly, @Sunbunny31 and @NotCreativeEnough are both getting $25 2nd place gift cards!!! They say finishing in a tie is like kissing your sister, but who wouldn't kiss their sister for a $25 gift card and eternal glory of a Top 3 War Room appearance? I mean c'mon, that's a no brainer. One has a Fine Arts Degree and the other is literally not creative enough to even look at art. Both are sales savages and War Room legends and we salute you both for just doing the damn thing.
Best of luck and can't wait to not see you next Monday for Memorial Day Weekend!