Filth 2024 - New Year and No Fear

Hey Savages, recently my brief absence was noted (it felt good to seen @CuriousFox ) and I had promised an update as my work situation got shaken harder than a snow globe at a Parkinson convention. I'll start with breaking down the situation, then go into what happens next and my thoughts, at the end I'll ask for some advice given all the context.

Here's what's happened: Beginning of Q2 2023, CEO decided hybrid wasn't an option anymore and sounded the return to office horn. End of Q3, CRO announces he's heading out (I like the guy, new rabbi since he joined 1 year ago) but he'll be around until February 2024 but basically he put the plan in place and is sick of fighting the CEO on the topic of living and dying by 8-5 in office instead of actual output. Also in end of Q3 I close biggest company deal and some of revenue team got shaded out of legit Comish. Q4 the big deal invoice comes and my company pays me the big check they owe me. HERES WHERE IT GETS GOOD! Right after I get the check, my best friend and fellow account manager lets me know he's taking a job with our biggest client (leaving us to 3 AMs and more accounts than we know what to do with). Now he is my client (this is good) and I have more leverage on work life balance as I report directly to 8-5 CEO who has just lost CRO and the AM tied with me for first in production. TWO WEEKS later, MY OTHER AM buddy takes a job with another client (old VP always said if you are any good at sales, the people you sell to will offer you jobs). And then there were 2! Me the only revenue member with experience and the face of the company podcast. Only other AM is enterprise and doesn't know the software for shit and I'm sure a hefty base that the board will only stomach for so long. So my leverage is huge and I will literally be able to pick my accounts and drop the PITA ones not worth the MRR.

Now for the fun part. Last week my CEO said he doesn't want to lose me to some bullshit about remote/hybrid so we can work out an arrangement (was working on getting 20 remote days before for the year) so I'm going to say 2 days at home per week (how it used to be pre Q2 23) sans any onsite travel or BIG deal meetings (I only live 10m away). I'm also supposed to come up with a new title that says less Account Manager Babysitter and diaper cleaner and more if you aren't spending more or growing your business then lose my number. So I need to come up with a total and decide on what I'm going to ask for a base raise.

Base is $70k (I'm in the Midwest and the Comish takes care of me, no tears please lol), and I know I could be a real Chad and ask for $90k+ b/c of the company's lack of options but I'm a bit of a pragmatist and know there is really good low hanging fruit on the pick and pluck accounts so my thought is to hit them up for $80k and set a standard for a yearly increase after.

SO TLDR: I need a new title that says I go after more money from existing accounts but I'm not an account babysitter AND some confirmation/thoughts on asking for $10K in base as 1 of 3 (AND MOST SENIOR/PRODUCTIVE) remaining revenue personnel.

***Give me enough title ideas and I'll make another post with a poll for everyone to vote on.

🎈 Mentorship
💰 Compensation
🤘 Personal Growth
WR Officer
I see you bb. I see all y'all ❤🦊
You'll find a way to spin up the ask for 10k + regular increase. "I feel, and data supports, a $90k base, but I'm ON this team fighting for it, NOT against it," kind of thing. That part of this scenario seems to fit naturally.
The title? The affect you're looking for is toward clients, not resume, LinkedIn or internal folks, yeah? You want it to say, "return my call" not "call me often," yeah?
If so, it's gotta be one that says management. Maybe one that says I manage the donkey you talk to regularly. So, VP Client Success fits. At very least, it should be director level.

Go get you some authority. You've clearly earned it.
Live Filthy or Die Clean
You are asking and thinking the way I want - Ok I was thinking of throwing director in there. Love the breakdown and confirmation of process. Yeah could careless about resume/LI title.
Way not to let me down @oldcloser I know you will, just not today ;D
Nicely done and absolutely go after that director title. You deserve it.
ur dad’s brother
Damn dog you had a busy ass year
Live Filthy or Die Clean
Crazy busy not even including the new child LOL. Trying to put things in place to survive another year of it.
Big Shot
🦜☠️ Account Executive
I think you are in very good position to ask for a change in the title and then 10k more. I would probably wrap it in something that sounds like you would want to grow and develop there and learn x and x and x
Live Filthy or Die Clean
Spot on - I've already softly touched that usually you have to leave to grow both financially and professionally BUT I don't want to and I know you (my CEO) don't want to lose another key player so let's work together to work together for the long haul.
Sr Sales Executive 🐰
Account Executive rather than Account Manager?
And go for that fat base raise. You've earned it.
Live Filthy or Die Clean
I thought that too, but figured I still wanted it aimed at client more than outside/net new logos sales and we have AEs but this is exactly why I'm bringing it to the WR experts.
I know I deserve it I just can't wait to hear them agree lol.
Business Development Team Lead
Good to see you, Filth. I say shoot your shot.
Live Filthy or Die Clean
Love the support, TY
Enterprise Account Executive
Principal Account Growth Strategist?
Live Filthy or Die Clean
I don't hate that but I think the VP or director route might give me a bit more perceived authority.
I think I'll do a poll before EOW and i'll have this in the running. Thanks!