Getting interviews, but I can't stick the landing

Bravado community, I have gotten into interviews with around 10 SAAS companies, but I can't seem to stick the landing. I have 7 years of experience in SaaS, over achieved on my targets in 2019 - 2020, and I was promoted into a team captain in 2020. In 2021 I was moved into a team that is trying to break into a new vertical and the project is a complete flop due to lack of market research, and I worry that this team flop is hurting me in my interviews?

When I go into an interview I ask questions about the companies tech stack and I seek to understand their sales process. My goal is to show I have know how to ask good questions because sales is all about asking good questions and solving problems.

Would love interview tips, or to know if other people are in a similar boat.

👥 Hiring
AE (Account Executive)
Just went through the interview process myself and def fumbled a bit at first.
The key that helped me land offers was actually writing out a talk track for myself that was a compelling narrative about what I’ve learned in sales and where my success comes from. I repeated the same play on every call
Frame everything around your wins and what those wins show about you as a person
Ex: “I was able to overachieve on my targets because I’ve always been able to tap into my intrinsic motivation to challenge myself”
Sound as confident as you can (w/o being a dick lol but bring BDE)
You got this!!
Senior Account Executive
Thanks for the solid advice Molly!

I will bring my politest BDE.
Big Shot
Rolling 20's all day
This is the way. 
Doing this helps align yourself to the role and showing self-awareness
Sales manager
Cannot emphasize enough how much writing out a talk track helps. Memorize it until it’s natural. Most questions you can pivot to 3-5 answers from your talk track.
WR Officer
Are you getting turned down after the first interview? Second? Making it to the final round but they end up going with someone else?

Are any reasons given for when the interviewers decline you?
Senior Account Executive
Lost out after the first interview twice. Those roles were for Enterprise AE jobs, and I have only been mid-market. 

In most other interviews I get past the HR person and meet with a sales manager. 

When I got told no it comes in the form of a generic email saying they went with someone that was a better fit. 
WR Officer
Losing the ENT AE ones are likely just because you don't have experience with ENT and other candidates did, so I wouldn't worry about those ones at all.

It is a hot hiring market right now and candidates know that there's money to be made by switching roles. I think the level of qualified candidates being headhunted/applying for attractive roles has certainly increased compared to say, this time last year. It could just be that there's high competition for the roles you're applying for and they're going with people with more attractive resumes. 

The two suggestions I have for you are:

- Do not discuss that your team is flopping in these interviews at all, it will not help you. If asked why you're looking for another role, make it about their company. You really believe in their product/mission/culture etc. You can also make it about your professional goals. "Have a long standing track record of success at current company, want to take on a new challenge."

- Don't have all your questions be about technical subjects. It's fine to ask about tech stack and general sales process in a second interview, but you also need to still be selling yourself. You can't come off like you're only grilling them about what they can give you - what are you bringing to the table? Also ask questions like "what makes your top reps so successful" and "what would the expectations for me be in the first 30/60/90 days" and "what's the most exciting thing the company is taking on this year." 

Senior Account Executive
This is amazing feedback. Thank you for the thoughtful advice. 
Enterprise Account Executive

Asking "what CRM do you use?" is a waste of a question. You could probably figure it out on your own and does it really matter?

The questions coups suggested are great. 

Also, how are you "closing" your interview? It's corny but I always go with: Do you have any hesitancy about moving me to the next round? 

Shows you know how to close and also gives you ability to address objections directly.
WR Officer
Welcome. Good luck!
WR Officer
I like your final question but only use it on people with a sales background. It will make HR/non salespeople super uncomfortable lol.
Senior Account Executive
Thanks for the advice. 

Love the idea of going for a close when meeting with a sales manager. Game recognize game. 
Enterprise Account Executive
Par for the course.
Old School Bravo
Account Executive
Absolutlety love this advice! Especially the questions to ask. I feel like I'm always stumped on what to ask. I usually do the same and ask about tech stack because it it still important to me to know what tech I could potentially be using but totally understand how that could be a turn off. thanks for the tips!
Sales manager
My gut is that you need to work on your interview questions a bit more. 

- Tech stack: If they say they use Gong, or Chorus, or Salesforce, or anything else ... how does this help your decision and show you can solve problems?

- Sales process: similar to above. If they follow MEDDICC instead of Sandler, what info does that give you?

Maybe you have some really good follow up questions and I'm just not seeing the big picture?

That said, you are absolutely right that sales is about asking good questions. Just think you need to hone in on them a bit more. There are a bunch of good threads here to search for.
Senior Account Executive
I appreciate the feedback GreenSide. Strangely enough, I saw a post in the Bravado community that recommended asking about the tech stack. However, when you spell it out like that it seems kind of silly. 
Sales manager
Whoops. I guess my recommendation then is to always know why you’re asking a question, potential answers, and what you plan to do with the information provided.
Senior Account Executive
Hahaha, thanks for the round 2 of advice. I still think your original suggestion is solid. 
Sr Sales Executive 🐰
coups has really great advice.

I'd just add that your questions as they stand are very feature/function driven.   Sales orgs are looking for execs who understand value, and aren't just focusing on features and products:   It's not as much the "what" as the "why" in SaaS sales - why should I take a look at your solution?   

You need to make sure they know that you understand a value-based selling cycle, which starts by you being able to present yourself as a valuable addition to their sales team and company.  Focus on your success and experience, and how you can leverage that for the benefit of the new company.  Why should they take a good look at you as a candidate?  Why should they offer you the job?
Senior Account Executive
That's great feedback Sunbunny. Going to be thinking about how I can bring value to their organization in my next set of interviews. 
Old School Bravo
Account Executive
You are not alone!!! I shed a little tear reading this because I literally am in the EXACT same boat!! It's so frustrating because I can't seem to get feedback from the companies once I'm turned down and also soooo confusing because the entire time I'm getting the impression that they think I'm a strong candidate and a shoe-in for the job. I've even asked straight up for feedback and they won't share anything. sending you all the good vibes that you can get that next role and start seeing success!
Senior Account Executive
I appreciate that Mimi, I am also sending you good vibes. 
Business Coach
Remember, whoever is asking the questions controls the conversation... As a top performer, you should always ask questions about their top performers: What are the top performers producing... What separates them from the rest... (sets the tone that that is the arena you will be playing in BECAUSE YOU ALWAYS HAVE.)  Ask questions about their expectations... then later you can share examples of how you have accomplished things like that in the past.  
Senior Account Executive
So glad to hear you say that AnchorPoint. I did this exact thing on my interview today. 

Thanks for commenting with advice. 
Valued Contributor
Account Executive
Keep it positive in your interviews, don't discuss anything negative. In fact, shy away from anything that sounds negative, no matter how much someone says they want to truly know what you mean. They don't. It's a trap. 

If I was you, I would say that I was promoted to team sales lead due to the efforts and results of my performance. Sales team lead means I am managing the sales team as it enters a new market. If I was to be brought on board, here is what I would immediately start doing. ______________ After I finish saying that, I would then ask what are your thoughts on what I just said? I would love to hear your critical opinion.

Make yourself sound amazing and say it with as much energy as possible. Stand in front of the mirror and say it to yourself. People who have ran nations did the same thing and got the results they wanted.
Senior Account Executive
I appreciate the feedback CRAG112  and it is definitely in line with whatever has been telling me. 

You are right about the negative issue. In my last interview, I said I wanted a new challenge/vertical to work my way into... I am doing my next round of interviews with those guys later this week. 
Valued Contributor
Account Executive
Companies are thirsty for that sort of thing. Give them the water they crave. You got this!!

How are you landing interviews?

Members only

I was hired at a really good start up about 4 months ago for a SDR role that I was told I wouldn’t be in for very long. They’re gonna go public in the next year, but Zoom Info reached out to me about an Account exec position. Now I’m wondering if I should take the guaranteed route to AE or let my shares vest and get to AE at the place that took me. Usually I wouldn’t consider jumping so quickly, but AE is AE.

stay or go
53% yes, start closing
47% no, dont be impatient
310 people voted

As in all things sales, even during interviews you will get lied to
