Office Politics: How do I earn respect amongst older colleagues?

I'm the young guy on the totem pole around here albeit I am in my mid 30's. I also look super young thanks to Mom's rockin DNA! Thanks Mom! However, I find that I am rarely taken serious with knowledge, opinions, ideas or plain old small talk unless I do something exceptional. Even that only lasts a few minutes. I find business customers are disappointed when they see a "younger gentleman" come in for an intro appointment to present my business product. What advice can I garner for this one? Thanks all!

🎈 Mentorship
🙏 Mental Wellness
Notable Contributor
Director of Business Development
I've dealt with this myself. For 5 years was the Director over a 30+ person team (not sales, healthcare) where I was the youngest person in the department, not to mention much younger than other directors in the organization. 

I think you have to break it up into a few pieces, internal and external. Also, spend a bit of time to make sure you aren't projecting your own insecurities onto your interactions with others. That's pretty damn common. It's the "is it plugged in" of interpersonal relationships.

How new are you at the company? If it's still pretty fresh there could still be that whole feeling out piece where people are trying to see how you approach your work without them intervening. Does the sales team have high turnover for the new people? If so, they might be holding you at an arms length until you show you're in it for the long haul. Either way, just keep putting in the time and showing you want to work and want to learn.

The best way to address a customer that is unsure of your ability based on your age is to show you're an expert. Come overly prepared to speak to their problems and work like you've been doing it yourself. This is hard, but it pays off big time down the road, not just with the initial impressions.

Best of luck, and those genes are gonna pay off down the road!
Bravado's Resident Asshole
I'm one of the youngest in the office myself and I think that age shouldn't affect your ability to earn respect as much as you are experiencing. 

Being in the copier game myself, I have found that respect comes from a few different things. Improved self-image(not being cocky), track record, deals closed, and consistency are a few things that help.

 I was the youngest in my office for a while but that didn't stop me from breaking every record that we have for a BDR. I have the respect of my team and managers now. 

Sales isn't a popularity contest because you are going to have haters. GO GET EM!
Senior Account Manager
Keep doing those exceptional things @CopierCrusader. I was the new guy in my company 7 years ago selling printers and if you come in confident you'll eventually earn that respect. The print industry is changing to a younger game and I've found over time my clients very much respect the younger generation's way of selling versus the "briefcase/suit and tie used car sales" way of selling. Keep being yourself and that trust and respect will come. Eventually the older reps will be coming to you for advice!
Digital Business Associate
You just have to keep going. Keep doing what you're doing and over time the wall will come down for both the customers and your coworkers. 
Notable Contributor
Director Sales and Market Development
Put in the work, show them young bloods can do it too. I had a similar problem, but you earn your stipes the same way, crush it. I got sober at 25 years old and nobody thought that I was serious there either or that i could really need to get sober at 25. I earned my stripes there too, 15 years this June. 
One of the things you can do is get high visibility projects under your belt. If you can handle that kind of responsibility then for sure you'll be taken seriously

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