Im an AE with 3.5 years at my current company and I’ve just been out on my first ever PIP - would love some guidance from this community!

Hey Folks, so long story short my company went through a round of layoffs earlier this year. Since going public, I've seen the gradual changes and priorities that have happened to the business. 

Namely, decisions that are starting to feel like we're squeezing more dollars from our customers while providing less value. I've slowly become demotivated in my role. The sheen of appreciation and joy of working for my company has been gradually eroded by each of these decisions that I don't agree with. 

A few months ago, like many of us, I was getting tonnes of DMs from recruiters when the market for sales hires was temporarily crazy hot. I took a few calls but nothing felt interesting enough to me and I felt a loyalty and sense of belonging to my current company, which was worth more to me than potentially moving roles.

I decided to stick it out and put my head down. But I've found it increasingly challenging to build up the motivation to sell a product for a company that I've lost trust in. I have great friends at the company and respect our VP, but I feel like I'm at a turning point.

The tech market is visibly slowing down and any of the companies that I was speaking to have paused hiring. I'm considering taking the hit, and wondering if this is my opportunity to take a few months off to reassess and decide what my next move is. For years I've been talking about setting up my own consulting and last year decided to get my ICF coaching certification. I'm almost finished that course and wondering if this is my time to move on and do something I'm more passionate about.

Would love to hear this community's thoughts. Happy to provide more context.

🧠 Advice
💆‍♂ Mindset
☁️ Software Tech
If you don't like it there anymore then leave. Nothing worse than trying to drag yourself out of bed every morning to do a job you hate. 
WR Officer
Man oh man does it SUCK 💯
Enterprise SaaS AE
I've been with that type of org before it's usually with larger companies.  You have to decide if the juice is worth the squeeze in the end. Usually it takes the company to have a few great sales peeps to leave before they realize they screwed up. 
Sr Sales Executive 🐰
If you don't like it there and you can afford to take a little time off, you may want to do that.

Am I reading it right, that you are on PIP currently, and may get let go?
Account Executive
I've been in this situation once before. The parameters of the PIP were so unachievable that even the most tenured and successful AE at the company hadn't done anything even close to what they were asking.

I was pissed, used that for motivation. Successfully got off the PIP and when the VP was congratulating me and asked how I did it, I put in my 2 weeks. Felt amazing.

They paid out my unused PTO and told me the next day would be my official last day.
Sounds like you know the answer, but just want to hear it from someone else - GTFO!
Notable Contributor
War Room Community Manager
I'm a little confused. Now you're out of a PIP and thinking of bouncing? Or was it the planning to bounce that lead to the PIP?
Acclaimed Answer
Senior Account Executive
Hmm, I think it’s a bit of both
Big Shot
Enterprise Account Executive
PiP = time to find a new gig imo.
Fire Starter
account executive
companies sometimes put people on pips to force them out (and sometimes pips are designed to be impossible)

not everyone is right for every stage of a business. Especially for pre-and-post IPO

Get your story straight for recruiters and make sure you get unemployment if they force you out
Acclaimed Answer
Senior Account Executive
This is a great comment, thank you! Pretty much exactly how it played out. Thanks for your guidance!
Personal Narrative
Senior AE
Good, thoughtful post. Thanks for the detail. If you have the means, get out and put your thought energy into setting up your own biz. Sounds like you need a serious mental break anyway. If you can pull it off, working for yourself is always better than working for the man. 
Acclaimed Answer
Senior Account Executive
Thank you! Really appreciate your point of view. Last day is tomorrow and going to take a few months off before looking for a new gig
Good Citizen
Regional Sales Manager
start looking
Officer of ♥️
Sounds like theres better companies out there for you
Acclaimed Answer
Senior Account Executive
Thanks for all your comments everyone. I had a few open conversations with my employer and once they understood where I was at, we agreed amicably that it’s my time to go.

They are letting me go, my last day is coming up and I’ll get severance which helps me financially to take some time off. I’ll likely look to start somewhere new in Sept/Oct.

Really appreciate everyone’s insight and guidance!


Current and Previous BDR/SDR(s) -- What are 3 things you wish your company trained you within your first 2 weeks of onboarding?

Members only

I was hired at a really good start up about 4 months ago for a SDR role that I was told I wouldn’t be in for very long. They’re gonna go public in the next year, but Zoom Info reached out to me about an Account exec position. Now I’m wondering if I should take the guaranteed route to AE or let my shares vest and get to AE at the place that took me. Usually I wouldn’t consider jumping so quickly, but AE is AE.

stay or go
53% yes, start closing
47% no, dont be impatient
310 people voted