Should I stay or should I go?

Alright savages here is the deal.

I am an ENT AE at a large company that has just started laying off 10-15% of their workforce. I have been here for 1 Year and 7 Months. I am SEVERELY underperforming at 15% of my annual quota.

I knew I was fucked so I went out and found another job making more than I do know in a space that I think will do well in the next couple of years. I received the offer today.

I expressed my concerns to my manager and he said that I don't have anything to worry about, this year was tough for everyone, blah, blah, blah.

My gut says I overthinking this?

Should I stay or should I go?

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☁️ Software Tech
🤘 Personal Growth
🤝 Interviewing/Offer
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Stay or go?


Should I stay or should I go?
