Start-Up Offer Delay By Two Weeks

I am in the final stages of interviewing with a Series B start-up. The interview went well and the VP of Sales let me know they were ready to extend an offer while speaking on the phone with him. After negotiating my salary to a level all parties were comfortable with, I verbally confirmed I would accept and we scheduled a follow-up. The VP told me to rest assured and congratulated me.

On our follow-up, the VP asked if I could wait for two weeks more (at most) for the official offer. The VP said there were some organizational changes in the works that needed to be sorted out, but that they are still bullish on me and I am to be the very next hire if I can wait the up to 14+ days. He assured me he was not pitting other candidates against me, but that he needed more time.

I felt it was odd, given we had discussed my timeline. I have been actively interviewing and now I am hesitant to let my other offers stand idle, even though this opportunity is the one I am most interested in.

I am looking for advice on how to approach this, what I should do regarding other offers vs this offer, and what I should communicate to the company/VP

☁️ Software Tech
🦾 Hardware Tech
👥 Hiring
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How to properly give a Two Week Notice?


I declined an offer and still joined the company. Now i want out 3 weeks in. What do I do?
